Life coaching is not new to me. I had a few sessions with a coach when my mom passed away, and then I also hired a coach when my marriage failed. Connecting with Lynette Gray, and more recently Jill Ritchie, has been life changing. That may seem like a bold statement, but it's not an exaggeration. Shortly after we went into lockdown I had a handful of 1-to-1 sessions with Lynette. I know that I work well with coaches; I've had great results with personal trainers but I don't do as well when I'm working on my fitness on my own. I will show up, and more importantly take action, when I am accountable to someone. Lynette's energy is phenomenal and her story is compelling.
I committed to Lynette and Jill's 6 month group coaching programme which we started at the beginning of this month, and the 10 members of the group were also granted access to their new 21 day Unearth Your Power online course. Each day on the 21 day course there was new content... meditations, journalling prompts, personal development exercises on money mindset, visualisation and so forth. It's true that the more you put in, the more you get out; and I threw myself into all the activities with gusto.
I've recently finished listening to The Miracle Morning on Audible, and I've been rising early and having 1-2 hours to myself before starting my day job. Evie (our Cavachon puppy) has been helping me get up, but irrespective of her, I'd be up... what a difference it makes to your day.

My morning routine is now coffee, light bite to eat, affirmations, gratitude, journalling, looking at my future vision board, walk with Evie and then a second breakfast. I squeeze in some reading when I can (this morning it was a few pages of Elizabeth Day, How to Fail), although I typically will save the reading for evening. The only thing I'm missing that I feel I need to weave in is meditation.
My future vision board includes more creativity; I've been enjoying painting so much and it feels good to get my emotions out onto the canvas. I opened an Etsy shop to sell some of my work, and have sold a number of original paintings already which I'm super proud of. My second newsletter, which will be circulated at the start of August, explores some of the inspiration for my art. If you'd like to get on the list to receive a copy then please share your email with me. I promise not to spam you or share your address with anyone else.
I'd love to hear from you; do you have a morning routine and what does it include?
Sarah x