The best part about the natural hair movement is that it's a science-based movement. Sure, you get this mad support from women participating in the community. But, you get to rely on their facts, data, and experience.
Once you dabble in the field, you learn about LOC and LCO methods. And, like any other girl, you wonder which is better for you?
Well, there are many factors when it comes to the LOC method vs the LCO method.
LOC vs LCO Method
First of all, you have to know what these acronyms mean. LOC stands for liquid-oil-cream, and LCO stands for liquid-creams-oil.
Now, these two look identical, right?
Well, the answer is both yes and no. True, the methods consist of the same elements. But, reasons for the difference in sequences are there for a reason.
Selecting either method brings different benefits to your hair. Of course, that doesn't mean that one is better than the other.
It means that you should pick the method that works best for your hair.
LOC Method

LOC methods are better when your hair needs more moisture. You use the liquid first to soften your hair. Then, you add oil such as jojoba oil to give your hair more moisture. Finally, you add the cream for the additional effect.
The LOC method is better for girls that recently got into the natural hair community. It's better to rely on the LOC method when you have high hair porosity.
Another benefit of the LOC method is that it forces you to use more raw ingredients. Some women prefer to use products instead of organic ingredients.
That's problematic since when you go natural, you need the nutrients from the raw ingredients. Check your hair porosity, and if you have high hair porosity, go with the LOCK method.
LCO Method
LCO methods are better when you need less moisture and want to improve the look of your hair. You use the liquid first to soften the hair. Then, you add creams for additional effect. Finally, you add the oils to feed the hair with nutrients.
The LCO method relies on your ability to discern what your hair needs for the next stage. In time, you manage to lower the porosity of the hair. While that is an excellent thing, you have to take it further.
Then, you want to study the products and ingredients. But, you want to do that in such a manner to achieve a specific effect.
Then, the LCO method can help you a lot.
Haircare Routine

Yet, that doesn't mean you should immediately pick one method or the other. Selecting a haircare method has a lot more to do with your routine and your budget.
Let's say you want to do the LCO method. What happens when you don't have enough money to buy expensive products?
It's simple. You can't perform the method. That's where your fellow women come to share their knowledge and help you out.
You can still do the method if you pack it into a proper routine.
Shower Routine
Most women do the whole hair care routine in a shower. While you shower, your hair gets soft, your follicles open to receive more nutrients.
Also, since you have to rinse your hair, it becomes a perfect situation to finish the whole routine. So, you can do the liquid and the cream part without a problem. Yet, when you get to the oil part, you want to stop showering for a minute to soak in the oil.
Doing the whole method in the shower can be troublesome. But, it's the best way for newcomers and women when turning natural.
Pre-Shower Routine

The pre-shower routine can be the least effective when it comes to both LOC and LCO methods. You have to do everything pre-shower.
A pre-shower routine works best when you use Chebe powder and similar products. However, it's less effective when you have to add liquids to dry hair.
For both LOC and LCO methods, a pre-shower routine isn't viable. Of course, that doesn't mean you should avoid the pre-shower hair routine.
Try to add it in any way possible.
Post-Shower Routine
Now, a post-shower routine is a different story. A post-shower hair routine can work well with LCO. For example, you take a shower and do the liquids and creams. Then, you step out, do the oils, let them soak, and then rinse out.
Ideally, you want your routine to have all three parts. When you have a pre-shower routine, shower routine, and post-shower hair routine, you get better results.
However, you can do that later on. Try to combine routines, experiment, and find what works for you. The most important thing is to follow the method and make sure you do the liquid-oil-cream with consistency.
Organic Products

Now that you are aware of these methods, it's time to learn a thing or two about products. To make both LOC and LCO methods work, you need organic products.
Your liquids should include moisturizers and shampoos.
The creams may include various products to help you soften your hair.
Oils may refer to both produced oils and natural ingredients.
The point here is to search for products and see how they match with the methods. If you are a beginner, keep it simple. Take shampoo and moisturizer, along with natural oil.
Later on, invest more time to learn about products.
Natural Ingredients
Along with that, learn more about natural ingredients. Natural ingredients can go a long way with your natural hair routine.
However, remember to take things one step at a time. Invest your first money in jojoba oil.
It's a staple raw ingredient. You can use it even when you have years of experience in the natural hair movement.
Of course, there are excellent products you can use. But, this is something that is proven to work.
Do You
Finally, the most important thing is to remember that it's your hair. Stay true to the method, but do it for you.
Your hair is your experiment. Find what works for your hair.