Philosophy Magazine

LMU Munich: 2 Postdocs, 2 Doctoral Fellowships

By Wuthrich

The MCMP has opened four positions for which philosophers of physics will also be considered:

Two Postdoctoral Fellowships at the MCMP (LMU Munich)

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) seeks applications for two 2-year postdoctoral fellowships starting on October 1, 2017. (A later starting date is possible.) We are especially interested in candidates who work in one or more of the following fields: general philosophy of science, social epistemology, philosophy and psychology of reasoning and argumentation, Bayesian epistemology, Bayesian philosophy of science, philosophy of physics, and decision theory. Some teaching (in English) is possible, but not required.

The fellowships are open for candidates with a PhD in economics, philosophy, psychology or physics. Candidates who have not finished their PhD at the time of the application deadline have to provide evidence that they will have their PhD in hand at the time the fellowship starts. Applications (including a cover letter that addresses, amongst others, one’s academic background, research interests and the proposed starting date, a CV, a list of publications, a sample of written work of no more than 5000 words, and a description of a planned research project of about 1000 words) should be sent by email (in one PDF document) to by March 25, 2017. Hard copy applications are not accepted. Additionally, two confidential letters of reference addressing the applicant’s qualifications for academic research should be sent to the same email address from the referees directly.

The MCMP hosts a vibrant research community of faculty, postdoctoral fellows, doctoral fellows, master students, and visiting fellows. It organizes at least two weekly colloquia and a weekly internal work in-progress seminar, as well as various other activities such as workshops, conferences, summer schools, and reading groups. The successful candidates will partake in the MCMP’s academic activities and enjoy its administrative facilities and support. The official language at the MCMP is English and fluency in German is not mandatory.

We especially encourage female scholars to apply. The LMU in general, and the MCMP in particular, endeavor to raise the percentage of women among its academic personnel. Furthermore, given equal qualification, preference will be given to candidates with disabilities.

For further information, please go to or contact Prof. Stephan Hartmann (

Two Doctoral Fellowships at the MCMP (LMU Munich)

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) seeks applications for two 3-year doctoral fellowships starting on October 1, 2017. (A later starting date is possible.) We are especially interested in candidates who want to work on a topic from one of the following fields: general philosophy of science, social epistemology, Bayesian epistemology, Bayesian philosophy of science, philosophy of physics, and decision theory.

The fellowship is open for candidates with a master degree in philosophy. Candidates who have not finished their master degree at the time of the application deadline have to provide evidence that they will have successfully completed their master program at the time the fellowship starts. Applications (including a cover letter that addresses, amongst others, one’s academic background, research interests and the proposed starting date, a CV, a list of publications (if applicable), a sample of written work of no more than 3000 words, and a description of a planned research project of about 2000 words) should be sent by email (in one PDF document) to by April 2, 2017. Hard copy applications are not accepted. Additionally, one confidential letter of reference addressing the applicant’s qualifications for academic research should be sent to the same email address from the referee directly.

The MCMP hosts a vibrant research community of faculty, postdoctoral fellows, doctoral fellows, master students, and visiting fellows. It organizes at least two weekly colloquia and a weekly internal work in-progress seminar, as well as various other activities such as workshops, conferences, summer schools, and reading groups. The successful candidates will partake in the MCMP’s academic activities and enjoy its administrative facilities and support. The official language at the MCMP is English and fluency in German is not mandatory.

We especially encourage female scholars to apply. The LMU in general, and the MCMP in particular, endeavor to raise the percentage of women among its academic personnel. Furthermore, given equal qualification, preference will be given to candidates with disabilities.

For further information, please contact Prof. Stephan Hartmann (


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