Fashion Magazine

Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish

By Reservedforruby @reservedforruby
Liz Earle Cleanse & PolishThis is possibly my all time favorite cleanser..ever. I had heard so much about it, I was kind of sucked into the hype and felt I needed to really find out if it was as good as everyone was saying it was.
My skin is oily to normal. I am prone to spots around my T-zone, cheeks and chin. Like most products, I didn't feel this would help my skin but I was willing to give it a try. Within days I saw results however, it was only after using this product for two weeks that I really noticed the difference. I thought my skin was always going to remain slightly oily and with the odd spot here and there. I got used to it and just lived on with copious amounts of concealer. However, cleanse and polish has changed my skin.
I really am so excited about the results and the fact that it worked so well. I wish I took a before and after photograph. This is a product which I am just not quite sure how I would live without it again. I am testing out a Kiehl's cleanser and toner, so I am trying to do them separately to see which one was better. However it is proving quite difficult at the moment.
*I have no affiliation with Liz Earle or any of their products. I simply, love this and want to spread the good word on the skin clarifying results!
Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish

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