Family Magazine

Living With Bipolar – Bipolar Can Be A Good Thing; I Open A Shop

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum


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I open A Shop In 2004

Bipolar Can Be A Good Thing; I Open A Shop

September 2004

I often wonder if anything good can ever come from something so devastatingly damaging as bipolar and I will go against many when I say that I do believe being bipolar can have its benefits.

I will admit openly that I appreciate the high moods that manic depression gives me, although I realize that manic person is not really me, I get a thrill from the feelings it can bring.

I have been somewhat successful in my life, I have made headline news with business ventures, I have spoken on radio and I believe being bipolar opened up this gateway for me.

Under the tough exterior lies a scared and confused child, yet when on a high I transform into the person that I sometimes envy, what if I could always be that person.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am ashamed and full of guilt when I have damaged, insulted even hurt those around me when I have acted like lord shite, but still I adore feeling as if I am untouchable. The manic highs give me the confidence and self-belief that I can achieve my goals.

Happy as a pig in shit I was walking to the local shop one late afternoon when something jumped out at me, it was a sign from up above. It was a white sign in an empty shop window; it was calling out to me.

Please bear in mind I had no desire ever to open a shop, I had idea how to run a shop but 8 years ago I took down the number and raced home. Within weeks things happened fast, I cannot keep up with myself on a high and there I was making important phone calls, arranging business meetings and applying for loans and grants. The keys were handed over to me along with a rather nice check from the Princes Trust.

All was well until bang, I woke one morning and thought “Oh god what have I done”?

Yes little old me on a manic high had opened a shop. There I was front page of the local newspaper, talking on the local radio station and having to explain to my then husband why without him even knowing I now owned a shop.

He knew I had been selling things on eBay, the odd bit off clothing that didn’t fit but never once did he expect the big ideas I was planning behind his back. The truth was I was having these huge grand ideas and nothing was going to stop me. So I opened that shop and ran it well.

I do believe had I not have had Bipolar I would never have taken such risks. Not all the risks and ideas I had on a manic high would be as good as this as you will later find out.

Does bipolar have any benefits, yes I believe it does.

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I Was A Successful Business Women Because Of Bipolar


A young mom has hit on a business idea she can run from home while looking after her three children.

Emma  has set up an internet children’s clothing retail business that she operates via her computer at home in Middleton-in-Teesdale.

And though it’s very early days for her Designed For Mums venture, she’s already going for expansion with her own website.

Ms Collinson said: “I decided to give it a go to sell some of my own children’s clothes and toys and I got absolutely addicted. I aim to sell quality children’s clothing at affordable prices, catering for the newborn through to 16 years old as well as smaller baby equipment, toys and knitted collections.

“I know there’s a market out there from the interest I’ve had in the ebay site .”

The 24-year-old came up with the idea when she was browsing the net and found the trading website ebay.

Already she’s traded with people as far afield as Sweden, Denmark, Australia and the USA.

Newspaper Articles featured my business story.


Of course my bipolar contributed to me being a successful business women and of course when the depression came back this business would go up in smoke. But it was good while it lasted and it gave me a sense of achievement.


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