Charity Magazine

LITE Turquoise Has Landed! New Leather Color for Soft Star RunAmocs

By Softstar @Soft_Star_Shoes
LITE Turquoise has Landed! New Leather Color for Soft Star RunAmocs Elf Hava and Co-Owner Larkin stretch out our first hide of LITE Turquoise.

You may recall that last fall we asked customers to vote on a new perforated leather color for our RunAmocs. It was a narrow race between LITE Turquoise and LITE Purple, but Turquoise took the lead in the end.

Our first hide of the new leather arrived recently and we're excited to already see our customers using it on their colorful Design-Your-Own (DYO) creations. The first pair of shoes made with our LITE Turquoise was a snazzy pair of Moc3 RunAmocs. You can also add this color to our DYO Dash RunAmocs and DYO Original RunAmocs.

LITE Turquoise has Landed! New Leather Color for Soft Star RunAmocs
Our first shoe made with LITE Turqoise: a beautiful Moc3 RunAmoc

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