Before Lorde, Kimbra took the cake for “The Pop Songstress of New Zealand”, especially following her rodeo with Gotye in “Somebody That I Used To Know”. Now, she’s ventured out to create an experimental-pop single called “90s Music” in preparation for her forthcoming 2014 album. The track features Kimbra’s trademark sampling skills, plus a mish-mash of influences from glitchy, r&b beats and a bubblegum pop chorus. It’s a very ambitious single, but it’s refreshing to hear an artist going outside the restraints of their usual sound. Plus, after the second listen, it’s actually pretty cool. Anyone who digs tUnE-yArDs will love this single.
Entertainment Magazine
Listen to 90s Music with Kimbra [stream]
Posted on the 13 May 2014 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie
Kimbra – 90s Music