Hair & Beauty Magazine

Liquid Lacquer - Foamy & a Mystery Polish

By Alittlepolish @oblassa
Today I have two lovely shades from Liquid Lacquer to share with you. I was able to pick these up through I Facebook group that I am in and when I purchase Foamy, the mystery polish came with it! So awesome!
Liquid Lacquer - Foamy & a Mystery Polish
Liquid Lacquer - Foamy & a Mystery Polish
Liquid Lacquer - Foamy & a Mystery Polish
Liquid Lacquer - Foamy & a Mystery Polish
I am so in love with this shade! It is a really unique blue / teal color with a super light holo / shimmer effect. I am wearing two coats topped with Out The Door. It applied really smooth with no streaks at all.
Mystery Polish:
Liquid Lacquer - Foamy & a Mystery Polish
Liquid Lacquer - Foamy & a Mystery Polish
Liquid Lacquer - Foamy & a Mystery Polish Liquid Lacquer - Foamy & a Mystery Polish
 This is the mystery shade that I received. It also has a light holo and shimmer effect to it and is a really unique blurple shade. I am wearing two coats with no top coat. This evened out perfectly in two coats and is so pretty. I had trouble deciding which was my favorite.
Do you own any polishes from Liquid Lacquer? As you know, I own a ton! Which of these shades is your favorite?
Don't forget that you can purchase Liquid Lacquer polishes here and make sure to Like the Liquid Lacquer Facebook page for restock information.
Liquid Lacquer - Foamy & a Mystery Polish

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