Having well shaped and beautiful lips enhances your beauty. Now the trend is to have thick and full lips, which makes you attractive and sensuous. Many are now trying to get full lips by undergoing plastic surgeries and cosmetic implants. Makeup also helps in getting fuller lips to a certain extent.

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What is lip augmentation and How is it performed?
Lip augmentation is a process by which you can get luscious lips that makes you attractive. It also lightens and reduces the wrinkles that are formed around the mouth, making your face look younger.
It is done by injecting fillers in to your lips and making it get the desired shape and size. To prevent any discomforts that may occur during the injection, your lips are made numb by applying a numbing agent on your lips. So, when the injection is made on numb lips you will not feel any pain or uneasiness. You can compare it to the aesthetic injection done by the dentist to make your mouth numb when he takes out your tooth. It is done by professionals and they use very fine needles to inject the filler in to your lips. After the fillers are injected and you get the desired shape, ice cubes are applied on your lips to prevent them from swelling.
Different options for lip augmentation are:
When you take this injection, the filler that is used for the injection is taken from your own collagen. It is taken from another part of your body. So, you donate the collagen for your own treatment. The collagen that is taken from your body may be processed and can be stored up to 5 years. Another advantage of this process is that no allergic reactions are caused due to this injection, as the collagen is taken from your own body. It gets absorbed by the body easily and therefore you have to undergo the treatment occasionally to keep up the shape and volume of your lips. The effect of the injection lasts only for a few months.
Alloderm is a thin collagen sheet that is taken from human cadaver. Minute incisions are made inside the mouth at the corners and alloderm is injected in to the lips through these small holes. Local anesthesia or mild sedation is done when the collagen sheet is injected in to the lips, so that you do not feel any pain or discomfort during the process. After the injection is done, there will be slight swelling and bruise, which will go off fast. After the implantation of alloderm, it will soon integrate with the tissues of the lips and gives your lips the fullness and shape that you desire. No reactions are caused by using alloderm and you may stay assured that your body will not reject the tissue. It lasts for a maximum of one year.
Collagen is natural filler and it gives good support to your skin. It can be easily injected in to your lips using fine needles. Usually bovine, which is a collagen that you get from the cows, is used for lip augmentation. Once you inject the collagen, it will stay for 3 to 4 months. After the time period, you have to repeat the procedure if you want to keep up the shape that you have achieved. This is an excellent choice for those who do not want to change the shape of the lips permanently.
To make fascia filler you need a special connective tissue that is taken from your own body or from the body of a diseases person. You can use this as filler as well a surgical implant. It will make your lips fuller than what it was naturally. You have to use fascia filling once every year to maintain the shape and size of your lips.
Fat grafting:
Fat grafting is a surgical method. Here the fat that is needed is taken from your own body and then transferred to your lips. As the fat is from your own body, it will not get rejected by the body and no infections or reactions are caused as a result of the grafting. This process is a permanent lip augmentation.
Hylaform is derived from hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance found in the body. It helps in retaining water and keep the intercellular space within the dermis intact. So it is very beneficial in retaining the volume and shape of your lips. Using hylaform as fillers improves the shape of your lips and gives more volume to your lips. You will not suffer from any reactions when you use this filler. However, it is temporary and stays for a short time.
Radiance is another filler that you may use for lip augmentation. It is a synthetic substance and consists of microspheres made of calcium. These microspheres are suspended in water based gel. The injection is made painless with local anesthesia and the result that you get is immediate. There may be slight bruises, but they go off fast. You can go back to your normal activities within a day of the injection. It provides volume to your lips and also reduces the wrinkles around your mouth. The effect of this injection lasts for about 2 years.
Cost of Lip Augmentation:
Cosmetologists say that this type of cosmetic treatment has seen a rise of 200% in the recent 5 years and depending on the individual requirements, types of fillers and implants used treatment cost vary for each person for this treatment. But to give you an idea the syringes may cost anywhere between 250$ to 5000$ in US and UK.
In India this kind of lip treatment is becoming popular only in recent times and the cost of injection varies from 5000 Rs/- to 50000 Rs/-. But the important point to note here is that this kind of treatment lasts for only about 4-6 months and you may need to repeat the injections to maintain the desired effect.
Side effects or Risks of Lip Augmentation:
- Usually the side effects that appear as a result of lip augmentation are temporary. They disappear after a few days.
- Some may even have certain complications like asymmetric lip, prolonged bleeding and the extrusion of the implant.
- Normally the swelling and bruises forms as a result of lip augmentation lasts from 3 days to one week. After that they fade away.
- Some suffer from allergies that may last longer. It may cause redness, swelling or itchiness.
- If you have fever or if your lips swell extremely, you must visit your doctor without any delay.