Destinations Magazine

Lions Club: Easter Egg Hunt

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt

Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt

The Lions Club puts on quite the Easter Egg Hunt in Rensselaer, Indiana. As a (new) Lion member myself, little Indiana went behind the scenes, stuffing candy into colorful plastic Easter eggs at the Rensselaer Republican.

Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt: Preparation

I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many eggs in my life! We’re not talking a couple hundred, we’re talking 2,000! If I remember right, there were 2,100 plastic Easter eggs chock full of candy.

Lions club members were busy little bees, stuffing the appropriate amount of candy into the sometimes really hard to close eggs. Yes, it does make you feel a little silly wrestling with a plastic egg!

The Goods

Each plastic Easter egg received three pieces of candy (2 foils and tootsie roll) or 2 pieces of candy and one of the coupons for a free small cone at the local Dairy Queen.

Lions Club Egg Hunt

Lions Club Egg Hunt

While the Lions Club purchases all the candy and the plastic eggs, the Rensselaer, Indiana Dairy Queen donated 200 coupons for the Easter Egg Hunt! Some of the plastic eggs get reused each year and thrifty Lions Club members watch for the after-Easter sale to save the club a few bucks the next year.

It’s a big event and one that takes a lot of help. Lions club members have to get those eggs stuffed and get them set out for the kids! If you are interested in becoming a member, get in touch with the Lions Club in your area.

For dates, times, and locations to fun Indiana town events like the Lions Easter Egg Hunt and more, check out my Indiana Town Festivals and Events Calendar. Is your small town event not listed? Contact me and I’ll be sure to add it in!

See more fun Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt images on my Flickr photostream.

Rensselaer, Indiana in Jasper County

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