Love & Sex Magazine

Links #565

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

May 3, 2021 by Maggie McNeill

Drop the bike or you're gonna get arrested. - unnamed cop

You may have noticed that I am rather fond of novelty songs; here's one from my childhood that the writer/singer insists is not meant to be suggestive. The links above it were provided by Glenn Kessler, Billy Binion, Mike Siegel, The Onion, Radley Balko, Cop Crisis, and Phoenix Calida, in that order.

From the Archives
  • I'm sure you amateurs are happy to be censored "for THE CHILDREN™!"
  • Didn't you expect the pandemic to be used as an excuse for censorship?
  • The power to declare something "non-essential" is the power to ban it.
  • UK feminists release revenge porn of women who disagree with them.
  • Discrimination vs sex workers invariably affects other women as well.
  • How things have changed since Belle Knox was mercilessly harassed.
  • Know why cops don't like to investigate rapes? Professional courtesy.
  • The rescue industry desperately seeks new things to call "trafficking".
  • Whores need to keep suing until every cop shop is buried in lawsuits.
  • Politicians pretend the point of anti-porn laws is to "protect children".
  • The number of excuses government uses for robbery keeps growing.
  • When a headline asks a question, the answer is nearly always "no".
  • You mean physical behaviors have stronger effects than pictures?
  • Predatory cops think it's fun to ruin the lives of racial minorities.
  • Cops, lawheads, plague, parody, Dolly Parton, and much more.
  • Previous columns for May Day and May Eve (Walpurgisnacht).
  • In mass surveillance, fascism beats communism hands down.
  • Sex workers must help each other, because few others will.
  • Op-eds like this have become very common since FOSTA.
  • It's been a while since we've talked about stage names.
  • A retrospective of my blogging, mostly from April 2017.
  • How Pete Buttigieg covered up for violent rapist pigs.
  • Cops, anal worms, Florida, Vangelis and much more.
  • Will Canadian cops go after this billboard company?
  • Does this fit your idea of what "sex trafficking" is?
  • Compare to the ugly behavior of France & the US.
  • A look at the antics of loose-cannon Florida pigs.
  • Like an explosion in a Froot Loop factory.
  • The week Hermes was unhappy with me.
  • Cassandra wishes to share this with you.
  • Gee, I wonder where they got this idea?
  • I love it when they feed on their own.
  • A week of travels in the Midwest.
  • My pullets at eight weeks old.

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