The science behind marijuana consumption turning your tongue green is about as sound as the science behind the earth being flat or that lying makes your nose grow. – Erik Altieri
This animation from 1929 is meant to be a simulation of the evolution of simple life forms; it was called to my attention by The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society. The links above it were all contributed by the very active Cop Crisis account, with the exceptions of “horror” (Radley Balko), “trick or treat” (Phoenix Calida), and “headline” (Lucy Steigerwald).
- Cops lie.
- The horror! The horror!
- Another isolated incident.
- Just protecting and serving.
- Trick-or-treating while black.
- Cop beats woman for eating a hot dog.
- Promising headline; disappointing story.
From the Archives
- Assume anything that connects to the internet can be used to spy on you.
- Quoting prohibitionist myths while claiming to want to “help” sex workers.
- Even when cops want to tell the truth, their bosses may force them to lie.
- A cop’s masturbatory fantasy of omnipresent “pimps” with magic powers.
- Cop faces longer sentence for texting than others face for rape & murder.
- Adult businesses bill under different names & classifications to avoid this.
- “Christian” politician has a thing for underage girls. Gee, what a surprise.
- Cops threaten & harass sex workers, then disclaim responsibility for this.
- “Establishing a committee to study decriminalizing sex work“; we’ll see.
- Because giving free sex to boorish, penniless young men is “feminism”.
- Why do journalists feel compelled to cede ground to prohibitionist lies?
- Defense attorneys should know it’s not cops’ job to “protect” anybody.
- The time for men’s mags to support sex worker rights is long overdue.
- Fashion designers profit from whores’ images while giving us nothing.
- Another “sex trafficking” hysteria film for future generations to mock.
- None of my friends know her, but the “oral sex” thing is total bullshit.
- Cop deny “sex trafficking” scary tales while reciting the usual myths.
- Can a relationship work if the man was completely broken by his ex?
- Authoritarians imagine a link between sex work and barroom brawls.
- Rapists want to be held to a “different standard” than decent people.
- Really, guys, just hire actual pros; it’s much cheaper in the long run.
- What exactly is the rationale behind destroying two women’s lives?
- Prohis claim those against their bans have “false consciousness”.
- Cops, nightmares, monsters, parasites, prisons and much more.
- Rubmaps may become the new bogeyman to replace Backpage.
- Locking pregnant women in cages for “trafficking” themselves.
- The quaint non-“law enforcement” term for this is “blackmail”.
- Propaganda from 2018’s “Operation Cross-Country” pogroms.
- “Futurists” prefer to be ignorant than to consult sex workers.
- The crypto-moralists have been relatively quiet for a while.
- Motel 6 gets some comeuppance for its eager copsucking.
- Cops, songs, magical permits, Stan Lee and much more.
- “Vigilante Truckers” has apparently decided to rebrand.
- Are reporters actually paid to be clueless ignoramuses?
- Another step toward the end of privacy, everywhere.
- In which renting rooms is pretended to be a “crime”.
- A radical proposal on the subject of parental rights.
- Statists tell us that the slippery slope is a “fallacy”.
- Another probable casualty of the War on Whores.
- Yet another perfect example of the McNeill Rule.
- This headline and lede are stigmatizing bullshit.
- Facebook can’t even follow its own “standards”.
- What should I do about intense social anxiety?
- Too bad we can’t elect more dead politicians.
- My two previous columns for Armistice Day.
- Exposing a fake-reviews-for-pay scam.
- Nope, this isn’t sex work, no sirree.
- Thoughts on a difficult autumn.
- A busy busy busy week.