This machine is pumping fluid into my veins as we speak. – Shaquille Dukes
Apparently five years of living in Seattle is not enough for me to have heard of this, but I’m not terribly ashamed because Chekhov, a font of local knowledge who first moved to Seattle in 1978, had never heard of it either. It does actually serve as a kind of goofy real-life metaphor for the city, though. The links above it were provided by Marijke Vonk, Boatfloating, Franklin Harris, David Wraith, Emma Evans, and Lucy Steigerwald, in that order.
- “Family court“.
- Paging Doctor Hellstrom.
- Politicians never, ever learn.
- Wannabe pig beats up young teen.
- Loony is afraid Oreos will turn her kids queer.
- “Stop faking!” spreads from scews to loose pigs.
From the Archives
- Pigs shouldn’t be “investigating” sexting at all, but at least this is a start.
- They often don’t even bother with the “sex trafficking” excuse any more.
- Cops, cuteness, thoughtcrime, Burning Man, The Bangles & much more.
- And the next time they broaden the definition, it will “grow” even more!
- Just in case you think owning a “legal” sex work business protects you.
- Indian prohibitionists are a minority who can be individually called out.
- Seattle cops & prosecutors destroy more men’s lives for fun and profit.
- Reporters are stupid enough to keep giving Dennis Hof free publicity.
- Remember this when you hear pigs oinking about arresting “pimps”.
- Please don’t use my escort email unless you want to book a session.
- Abuse of migrants has been a bipartisan US policy for quite a while.
- Virginia passes law to indefinitely detain associates of sex workers.
- FOSTA is so blatantly unconstitutional this will win, but not quickly.
- Neither “dreams” nor “fun” have anything to do with human rights.
- “Hi, I’m interested in buying sex from a potential trafficking victim.”
- Just in case you didn’t think you were spied on enough in airports.
- This dude must’ve pissed off somebody well above his pay grade.
- “When the bad guys at Rikers are the guards”, meaning “always”.
- Another interview with Dr. Agustín about The Three-Headed Dog.
- Not as bad as calling rape “theft of services”, but bad enough.
- I love seeing “authorities” caught up in their own moral panic.
- Using “sex trafficking” hysteria as anti-American propaganda.
- Is Trump hastening the collapse of “sex trafficking” hysteria?
- Dutch authorities’ attempts to Disnify De Wallen are failing.
- Do they even think about the words they’re vomiting out?
- Cops, politicians, microbes, Steve Ditko and much more.
- Dick is not in any way an equal or fair trade for pussy.
- Loon claims NASA is sex trafficking children to Mars.
- My two previous columns for Independence Day.
- Ron Weitzer debunking prohibitionist bullshit.
- How can I switch from sugaring to escorting?
- Another dumb “awareness-raising” stunt.
- Pigs claim sexting is a “gateway” to rape.
- Rapist cops of the week, 2017 and 2018.
- Olaf Tyaransen, meet Barbra Streisand.
- Long-time readers already know this.
- The trailer for The War on Whores.
- How old are these idiots, eight?
- This was only a matter of time.
- Pride and Wonder Woman.