You’re on my property with a gun in your hand, threatening to shoot me, because I’m picking up trash. – unnamed cop victim
When Angela Keaton and I were quite stoned one night while she was visiting two weeks ago, she played this video for me and I instantly recognized the guy as the one who did the minor-key “Kiss the Girl” which sounds like the soundtrack to a lesbian bondage scene. In this one, the key shift actually completely changes the perceived meaning of the song (play it and see if you think I’m wrong). The links above it were provided by Popehat, Mike Siegel, Radley Balko, Mike Chase, Lauren Chief Elk, and Mark Bennett, in that order.
- Fascism in action.
- Justifiable assault.
- Just protecting and serving.
- Picking up litter while black.
- What could possibly go wrong?
- This is only shocking to city slickers.
From the Archives
- Cops raping whores is so ubiquitous, others pose as cops to facilitate rape.
- A thorough debunk of the annual FBI “Operation Cross-Country” pogroms.
- New York Times still can’t understand how anti-sex crusades harm people.
- Anti-whore bigotry will soon be seen as vile as anti-queer bigotry is today.
- It only took San Francisco 60 days to devise a new way to harass whores.
- Major ethical problem, but did letting drug warriors handle it help anyone?
- An attempt to rob a business using “sex trafficking” hysteria as a weapon.
- So good to see people who had a bad time in sex work attacking Asstoon.
- “Protecting women” is usually code for either spying on or controlling us.
- Got an internet-connected device? Assume it can be used to spy on you.
- The more subjected to this tyranny, the more realize nobody should be.
- Every Wired piece about sex work contains inexcusable misinformation.
- “Pop-up brothels” are the subject of UK cops’ favorite wanking fantasy.
- Beauty magazines are recognizing they owe their existence to whores.
- No Cambodian brothel story is too shocking for Westerners to believe.
- Nicaraguan whores can be officially accredited as “judicial facilitators”.
- The silly notion that ejaculation saps a man’s vitality is a very old one.
- Everyone harmed by prostitution laws needs to keep suing over them.
- Presumably, those “outraged” would prefer boys be molested instead.
- Harlots’ Ball, clothes sizes, dinners, cocktails & driving in Seattle rain.
- You mean healthy young men can’t merely be ordered to be asexual?
- When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
- Sex work is not an evil to be tolerated, but a good to be celebrated.
- On the myth that porn has become mostly violent & “misogynistic”.
- Another peek at Andrea Werhun and her book, Modern Whore.
- Here’s what happens when evil laws and policies are repealed.
- In mass surveillance, fascism beats communism hands down.
- The same old “interstate highway” nonsense, but in Alabama.
- Cops, hands, censorship, Stephen Hawking and much more.
- Powerful men never learn that whores aren’t afraid of them.
- A sex work-friendly therapist licensed to do phone sessions.
- Good advice to a gay man whose lover has a sugar mama.
- A stripper lays some inconvenient truths on New Orleans.
- Pigeonholes are fine for pigeons, but unsuited for people.
- Cops, anarchy, skulls, the Pink Panther and much more.
- More allegations of sexual abuse in the porn industry.
- Despite the pearl-clutching, I actually agree with this.
- A rant against government-ordered clock-lying.
- Badass woman uses her badassery for justice.
- What should I do if a client starts stalking me?
- Interesting biography of Anthony Comstock.
- As I’ve been saying for over 14 years.
- A rare victory against prohibitionists.
- Norway, the other feminist paradise.
- “Pastors” are nearly as bad as cops.
- Moral panic + censorship = profit.
- How can a man delay orgasm?
- I take Lorelei to see Hamlton.
- Rapist cops of the week.
- Back so soon?