The second male was located under the rear of the bulldozer deceased. – David Beohm
Two weeks ago I featured a video whose subject reminded me of Donald Trump, and now I’m going to do it again with this Jim Croce song about a man who is basically what Trump might be like if he had been born poor. Some of my younger readers may be unfamiliar with the brilliant Croce, whose career and life were cut short by a plane crash in central Louisiana on September 20th, 1973, only about two months after this video was made (Maury Muehleisen, accompanying Croce in this video, was also killed). The links above the video were provided by Franklin Harris, Marc Randazza, Tim Cushing, Mistress Matisse, Dave Krueger, Radley Balko, and Dave Krueger again, in that order.
- To protect and serve.
- Doing yoga while black.
- This is what a male feminist looks like.
- Brave hero threatens to murder young children.
- “Crime”: traffic ticket. Penalty: robbed and deported.
- “Crime”: horticulture. Penalty: summary execution by bulldozer.
From the Archives
- Cops raping whores is so ubiquitous, others pose as cops to facilitate rape.
- Whatever a sex worker does later, they’ll always be a whore to the media.
- The “big events” that supposedly attract “sex trafficking” grow ever sillier.
- Prohibition turns bodies into “crime scenes” which cops can violate at will.
- Campaigns against sex work are part of a war against all sexual behavior.
- I wonder if any of them recognize how pathetic their denials sound to us?
- Soi-disant ally thinks we’re childlike morons in need of licensed handlers.
- In case you thought cops raping whores to arrest us was just a US thing.
- Even for the prohibitionist New York Times, this is pretty jaw-dropping.
- Critical thinking skills are not a prerequisite for passing medical school.
- This is obvious to whores, but it’s nice to see academics discovering it.
- The fanatically-prohibitionist Seattle Times again revisits the TRB raid.
- Every little bit helps to undermine the “sin and degradation” narrative.
- Calling a prison “Freedom Place” is as Orwellian as one could imagine.
- A thorough debunking of “sex trafficking” hysteria by Brittany Turner.
- Only another month or so before the “creepy clown” hysteria returns!
- Government uses especially nasty crimes to undermine liberty for all.
- Even among “sex trafficking” publicity stunts, this is painfully stupid.
- Note this was accomplished by the usual whorearchical line-drawing.
- Another amateur profiting from sex workers while giving us nothing.
- Remember this when you hear pigs oinking about arresting “pimps”.
- A live-action version of that moronic “escape the pimp” video game.
- Another dumb, sensationalized article, now with added whorearchy.
- Pro-censorship morons are still trying to destroy the entire internet.
- People need to be frequently reminded of what Ruhama actually is.
- Picket-fence gays have become an active threat to sexual freedom.
- Batman, Sesame Street, socialism, cops, “rescue” and much more.
- Why don’t actresses who play sex workers actually learn about us?
- More mainstream media are debunking “sex trafficking” hysteria.
- This is pretty typical of the level of “evidence” in sex work trials.
- Cops, Skynet, maps, rogue planets, June Foray and much more.
- Note how closely this resembles “sex trafficking” propaganda.
- It’s impossible to overstate how important this reversal is.
- How “authorities” intentionally spread diseases in prisons.
- Judge orders jury to find an “authority” not guilty of rape.
- The answer is, “Because it doesn’t actually exist as such”.
- One wonders if this loon asks her vibrator for its consent.
- A retrospective of my columns from July 2013 and 2014.
- Naturally, Cassandra McNeill was saying this years ago.
- Don’t try to get freebies from sex workers. Seriously.
- Another creepy cop entrapment & surveillance game.
- No doubt caused by the presence of corn and I-35.
- I’m rather skeptical of the claimed disparity here.
- No cops. No cages. No shaming or brainwashing.
- I gave an interview to Dr. Heather Branstetter.
- A rebuttal to Madison Graham’s guest column.
- More on EMPOWER’s sex work museum.
- Lorelei, Ghost Rider and I visit Ireland.
- China aspires to be more like the US.
- Don’t say I didn’t tell you before.
- Fault Lines interviews me.
- Rapist cops of the week.
- A short trip to Portland.