Shame on him that gives me a legal reason to stop him. – Patrick Ivey
David Cassidy died this week, and though I wasn’t as big a fan of his as one of my sisters was, I was always very fond of this particular song, with its very distinctive melodic structure and unusual key progression. The links above the video were provided by Mike Siegel, Tim Cushing, Kevin Wilson, Radley Balko, Adjective Girl, and Walter Olson, in that order.
- As one does.
- Fascism in action.
- The human skunk.
- To protect and serve.
- It’s almost like people can’t understand what “any reason” means.
- Government is just a word for the things we choose to do together.
From the Archives
- Long-time readers will remember that I’ve made similar points in the past.
- How a young woman discovered her grandmother had been a sex worker.
- Unless the unit deposits $400 into my bank, I’m not remotely interested.
- Cows, cops, Sweden, poets, metaphors, Jean-Michel Jarre & much more.
- Government steals all money Rentboy could have used for legal defense.
- From the people who had hearings vs communists, comics & song lyrics.
- After AZ & WA, FL is most hysterically tyrannical over “sex trafficking”.
- The Swedish model especially increases violence vs trans sex workers.
- Brave hero cops save The Children!TM from desperately-needy people.
- As long as these laws exist, amateurs will be harmed by them as well.
- It’s satisfying when the mask of concern for “trafficking victims” slips.
- Los Angeles’ response to “sex trafficking”: increased police brutality.
- Finally, a US court finds something it isn’t willing to call “trafficking”.
- I just love the pictures of the little animal whores holding their cash.
- A top-secret cabal of nuns who pose as whores to infiltrate brothels.
- The Swedish model has virtually eliminated prostitution in Sweden!
- In the US, she would’ve been arrested when she reported the rape.
- The rhetoric is ridiculous, but even stupid snitches are dangerous.
- Indian NGO wants to force sex workers into brainwashing camps.
- Sexually-regressive Washington moves forward quickly on drugs.
- Fleur de Lit is a lot more optimistic than I am; I hope she’s right.
- Trans people hanged, stoned & even killed by their own parents.
- If you think this as a positive development, read more carefully.
- These are the people “feminists” want in charge of sex workers.
- Cops, isolation, Catholicism, goats, John Cage and much more.
- Quite possibly the stupidest “sex trafficking” propaganda ever.
- Politicians work to get sex workers evicted & enrich the state.
- Why do massage parlors bring puritans out of the woodwork?
- Dianne Feinstein never met a police-state law she didn’t like.
- Why I hate “Black Friday” and too-early Christmas displays.
- It looks like Samantha Azzopardi is back to her usual tricks.
- The beginning of my Doctor Who dates with Lorelei Rivers.
- Really, guys? Is it really so hard to just hire an escort?
- The UK literally robs sex workers of their life savings.
- Note that this kind of abuse is also typical in the US.
- Scotland Yard “apologizes” for enabling rapist cops.
- A nice look at the religious beliefs of sex workers.
- Who could have possibly predicted this outcome?
- We need to keep protesting every damned sting.
- SWOP’s annual fundraiser is going on right now!
- “A few critics call it a form of human trafficking.”
- Because laws are more important than people.
- In New Mexico, civil forfeiture is big business.
- The bioethicists are now on our side as well.
- None of this surprises me even one tiny bit.
- Young-relative-molesting cops of the week.
- A rare decision in favor of self-ownership.
- November 2012 and 2013 in retrospect.
- There seems to be a word missing here.
- Very little has changed for James Deen.
- What wonderful company the US is in!
- My last two columns for Thanksgiving.
- And don’t think this is atypical.
- Glenn Kessler does it again.
- Are these people for real?
- Rapist cop of the week.
- I am not your monkey.
- My new car.