I am tired of black peoples [sic] paranoia that white people are out to get them. – “Officer” Cynthia Whitlatch
Over the past month I’ve played a few songs I remember well from childhood; this is one of the first I can remember thinking of as my favorite song. Don’t be surprised; as I’ve told you before, I was a strange, melancholy child (and a very, very, very old soul). The links above the video were provided by Dave Krueger (“bootlicker”), Ivan Dragomiloff (“brilliant”), Tushy Galore (“Seattle”), Amy Alkon (“whatever”), and Radley Balko (“together”).
- A bootlicker to the core.
- Sounds like a brilliant idea to me.
- A new low in bootlicking from ProgressiveTM Seattle.
- Wouldn’t it be easier to just cry or laugh or whatever?
- She couldn’t be any worse a ruler than the clowns in Parliament.
- Government is just a word for the things we choose to do together.
- Pigs imagine their magic badges give them license to practice medicine.
From the Archives
- Another rape victim caged to force participation in the state’s morality play.
- Hilary Hanson of Huffington Post is starting to distinguish herself as an ally.
- Never call the cops for any reason whatsoever, especially if you’re a whore.
- Amateurs are a public health menace; they should be licensed & regulated.
- Why are some gay dudes so clueless & announce their ignorance so loudly?
- The Rentboy raid was a turning point in the struggle for sex worker rights.
- We don’t want to be “legalized & regulated”; we just want to be left alone.
- “Unbelievably” is a good adverb for nearly every sentence in this fantasy.
- Since this fascist wankfest hasn’t sold as a TV show, they made a movie.
- Seems I wasn’t the only one who had Ashley Madison pegged as a scam.
- An anti-whore article that reads as though it were stuck in a time warp.
- Remember, cops, you’re allowed to RAPE us, but not to obtain consent.
- 1.5% is my standard estimate of coercion among Western sex workers.
- “Virginity tests” are a sign of our culture’s deeply-sick sexual attitudes.
- Contrast the way this is covered by badge-lickers & by rational people.
- Only in Australia would a politician follow this insult with this apology.
- Pathetic losers wanking to their fantasies of superhuman sex robots.
- A coalition between fundamentalist groups is in no way “surprising”.
- Farley’s going to keep hawking this same snake oil until she croaks.
- Thargelia barely missed being the most influential whore in history.
- A reminder that in most of the US, the situation is still worsening.
- Cops, pretexts, LSD, Superhenge, the Dutch angle & much more.
- Quickly becoming one of the stupidest tropes of the whole panic.
- Article equates sex workers with child molesters and murderers.
- The loathsomeness of linking sex work to historic black slavery.
- Watch for escorts to be prosecuted for “trafficking” themselves.
- Government-backed internet gentrification harms sex workers.
- Jean Urquhart, MSP moves beyond merely “calling for debate”.
- I’m rather glad to see the return of “criminal whore” rhetoric.
- The French just love these massive DNA fishing expeditions.
- Politician hires sex worker; meanwhile, bear shits in woods.
- “Induce sex trafficking”? That’s some serious bullshit there.
- Cops, fascism, clowns, rock opera, The Prisoner and more.
- Like something Melissa Farley would make up, only true.
- Pigs steal $26,000 from citizens & spend it on strippers.
- I know I’ve written about this before, but I can’t find it.
- How did you stop thinking of your husband as a client?
- It’s nice to know that at least a few reporters get this.
- My friend Kaytlin Bailey, on coming out to her father.
- Is it bad if I can only feel intimacy with sex workers?
- No doubt the child was contaminated with sex rays!
- In which I finally finish decorating my apartment.
- How you can help me wake up in the morning.
- The descent of LGBT rights into conservatism.
- Her escorting was “caused” by being bipolar?
- Cop stalks sex workers via police records.
- Kari Lerum on the Amnesty declaration.
- You know you’re in a moral panic when…
- Nobody ever sold sex before Backpage!
- Preparing to take Jae back to Seattle.
- Nothing happened; film at 11!
- Rapist cop of the week.
- R.I.P. Candida Royalle.
- Desnudas in the news.
- Surprising no one.
- Rise of the apes.