I didn’t know that the government did things…that extreme. Dan Sullivan
I’m fascinated by early animation; here’s a short film from 1910, shared by Jesse Walker, with some REALLY weird imagery (it’s supposed to be an absinthe dream). The links above it were provided by Nun Ya (“koinkdink”), Clarissa (“busybodies”), Elizabeth N. Brown (“nutritionists”), Tushy Galore (“murder”), and Franklin Harris (“smugglers”).
- What a koinkydink!
- A rare defeat for violent busybodies.
- Why does anyone still listen to “nutritionists”?
- At least he didn’t rape, rob, torture or murder anyone.
- Apparently, New York hates poor people and loves smugglers.
- Government is just a word for the things we choose to do together.
- How do so many shoot themselves in police cars after being searched?
From the Archives
- This abomination will continue to be inflicted on ever-larger numbers of victims until Hunt’s weapons are forcibly removed by decriminalization.
- I was wondering how long it would take them to cram this into the “sex trafficking” paradigm.
- Dissecting the absurd pretense that every whore who wants decrim is “unrepresentative”.
- Why is it so hard for US journalists to use the word “rape” when whores are the victims?
- Elizabeth N. Brown examines the profit motive behind the War on Whores.
- “Pedophiles” can shoot dangerous “male gaze” radiation through internet.
- Cops, poop, Oliver Sacks, Darth Vader, unintended consequences & more.
- Houston judge orders hotel to pay off cops & discriminate vs sex workers.
- Say you’re “fighting sex trafficking” & stupid people will give you money.
- Seattle “officials” think harm reduction principles only apply to drug use.
- Southern articles about prostitution stings are usually shockingly stupid.
- Latest battle in France’s ongoing war on Muslimahs’ personal autonomy.
- Extra nasty: reporters gloating over popular stars’ sex worker siblings.
- Computer security expert John McAfee on the Ashley Madison “hack”.
- Philippine president carrying “War on Drugs” to its logical conclusion.
- I’m an adult virgin with a new girlfriend; should I see an escort first?
- Humor sites have much better coverage of sex work than the MSM.
- “Punitive and stupid” describes all “sex offender” registration laws.
- The defense of choice for non-violent sex offenders, plus “autism”.
- How do I know if an escort’s heat rash was really just a heat rash?
- I wonder how much Michael Weinstein has cost California so far?
- Thugs brutalize two old women, rob over $500,000 from them.
- Sheltered reporter thinks a cop groping a woman is “shocking”.
- Transmen are also the subjects of violence and discrimination.
- There’s a word for people who exploit sex workers for profit.
- A retrospective of my blogging from August 2012 and 2013.
- 38 “anti-trafficking” groups speak up in support of decrim.
- Kudos to the IWW for supporting sex workers in Iceland.
- Let’s hope the moralists all start devouring one another.
- Just another reminder of what “rescue” actually means.
- Make sure you swallow your drink before reading this.
- Shamans punish youth for stealing his partner’s soul.
- Why Brazil turned down $40 million in US handouts.
- Cops, clowns, kratom, Gene Wilder and much more.
- All the bad arguments against polygamy, debunked.
- Of course, this was glaringly obvious from the start.
- It’s so wonderful to have Glenn Kessler on our side.
- Remember, this is pretended to be about sex work.
- A pretty decent explanation of reaction formation.
- Most whores love Dolly as much as she loves us.
- Another celebrity pretends to be a “sex addict”.
- Canada really is trying to be more like the US.
- What German prostitution law actually says.
- Mostly just a lot of prohibitionist posturing.
- A memorable cam duo with Lorelei Rivers.
- Another sex worker on a TV reality show.
- Jae begins to awaken after her accident.
- It’s almost like he wants to get caught.
- I really admire this lady’s chutzpah.
- If you want something done right…
- Sweden, the feminist paradise.
- In praise of the Whore Nation.
- It’s starting, slowly but surely.
- Of course it’s a fucking setup.
- Rapist cops of the week.
- Holy idosing, Batman!
- More of this, please.
- 4 million pageviews.