All that was left…[was] a pair of sandals and his underwear.
– Deacon Nkosi
Just in case you missed it, the big news of the week is that Chelsea Manning is finally free again after Obama commuted her sentence as one of his last acts as President. The video is one I came across by accident, and the links above it were contributed by Rick Horowitz, Popehat, Lucy Steigerwald, Mike Riggs, Mike Chase and Mike Siegel (in that order; the last two are two links in one line).
- Never drink your own Kool-Aid.
- Better a dead shark than a sex worker.
- Some animals are more equal than others.
- Another moment in the slow collapse of the drug war.
- Ready to admit the US is a police state? How about now?
From the Archives
- “Feminist” says other women’s pragmatic choices are not “real” because she disagrees with them.
- Politicians keep promising the same evil impossibilities & stupid people keep believing them.
- A call for a return of the policy which enabled Robert Pickton to slaughter women at will.
- Is Twitter heading in the same direction as Google, PayPal, LinkedIn, et al?
- How could “an unusual collection of wigs” fit in a small amount of luggage?
- The same sporting events touted repeatedly despite total lack of evidence.
- Mike Crawford: one of the most eloquent male voices on sexworker rights.
- Massage parlors are popular pig targets because they’re low-hanging fruit.
- Morally-warped billionaire teams up with clueless, ignorant old millionaire.
- Women are passive dolls unable to make decisions without male coercion.
- Even officials in Vietnam are sounding more sympathetic to sex workers.
- Despite political claims, regulations aren’t meant to protect sex workers.
- “Sex trafficking” fetishists fantasize a tiny town is a “sex trafficking hub”.
- Anyone “shocked” by this should move to a remote farm without media.
- Rape, tomato juice, fantasy, prohibition, cops, politicians and Star Trek.
- KIRO has my number & should call it before printing ludicrous garbage.
- Fashion shows promote “sex trafficking” hysteria to enrich sweatshops.
- In US media, “sex trafficking” is now just a dysphemism for “sex work”.
- Countering the Seattle Times‘ nauseating bootlicking & prohibitionism.
- The phrase “human trafficking” now means “any behavior I don’t like”.
- Can’t let the facts get in the way of a money grab, can we Mr. Spicer?
- An app to cram complex realities into stock “sex trafficking” phrases.
- A woman who fought New York’s agency-denying “trafficking courts”.
- The lawyers who orchestrated this shitshow knew how it would end.
- Canadian prohibitionists desperate to cash in before panic implodes.
- Useful idiots want to subject all human interaction to criminal law.
- Reporters compete to write the most cop-fellatory article possible.
- The Dutch seem determined to slowly throttle sex work to death.
- How persecuting ridesharing companies is like stripper licensing.
- Cops, bison, bureaucrats, a musical coming out and much more.
- Another anti-gay “authority” figure is revealed as a closet queer.
- This craptastic mess is thick with dysphemisms and whorearchy.
- Attacking a legal practice without questioning its basic premise.
- Why do people just accept these ridiculous made-up numbers?
- But it’s not a surveillance measure, because THE CHILDREN!
- An article on student sex workers with a “so what?” tone.
- A horrifying landscape of self-loathing and reality-denial.
- Spokane cops are on a fanatical client-targeting crusade.
- This is TOTALLY different from what American cops do.
- Missouri wants to define escort ads as “sex trafficking”.
- Which is to say, the second country in the entire world.
- “Not happening in front of this camera” ≠ “eliminated”.
- How to fail at writing a pro-decriminalization article.
- How can a client help to achieve decriminalization?
- A glimpse at the return of the Sex Workers’ Opera.
- So many rapist cops they needed a whole column.
- Alix Tichelman sentenced to 6 years in prison.
- A tale of cookies, mud and chances not taken.
- Why do so many women have rape fantasies?
- Another sex worker murdered in Hong Kong.
- The short, unhappy life of Barbara Payton.
- Tom Meagher becomes a prohibitionist.
- What, not 50 or 100 per day? Slackers.
- I love it when they feed on each other.
- Could a bill be any more autofellatory?
- As we keep saying over and over.
- Another murdered transwoman.
- A week of good and bad.
- Rapist cop of the week.
- Decorating my incall.