But who will fix the roads? – statists
I’ve been watching my collection of Pink Panther cartoons lately, usually one right before bedtime, and I saw this one last week when I was quite high (which, naturally, made it even more amusing). The links above it were provided by Jesse Walker, Scott Greenfield, Jesse Walker again, Tejas, Inspireland, Franklin Harris, and Radley Balko, in that order.
- Anarchy in action.
- Not a police state, nope.
- Paging Morgus the Magnificent.
- How dare she die? THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
- This squares with my experience living in 3 of these.
- Desperately looking for someone, anyone, to control.
- They won’t stop until everyone has a criminal record.
From the Archives
- So very many people completely bereft of the capacity for rational thought.
- I’m skeptical about anything Seattle PD says about victimized sex workers.
- There’s no relationship between porn viewing & ED in healthy young men.
- Bootlicker calls me heartless liar for attacking her masturbatory fantasies.
- Rescue industry’s getting so successful it now has mergers & acquisitions.
- Would this language have been used for this same situation 20 years ago?
- Think a non-cop would merely have lost his job with no criminal charges?
- Nobody looks too hard at those financing efforts for more criminalization.
- Another astonishingly-stupid “study” produces predictably-stupid results.
- It’s not just many pros who dislike oral sex; some amateurs don’t either.
- South Korea’s court battle over US-encouraged sex work criminalization.
- A good article on the use of shaming tactics against sex workers’ clients.
- As usual, the buffoonish Nick Kristof’s not too concerned with the truth.
- “Artists” claim that phone numbers have sympathetic magic properties.
- Soon there’ll be too few free people to buy all the “modern-day slaves”!
- Are the Japanese the only people left who can tell fantasy from reality?
- In which a dumb kid tries to trick me into doing his homework for him.
- “Sex trafficking” fetishists advise doctors to “speak love into [victims]”.
- So very much stupidity here, but I guess the main thing is the “signs”.
- All this requires is the “testimony” of a lying cop out to score arrests.
- The monolith is crumbling; this was in International Business Times.
- Only the alternative media question noxious “end demand” rhetoric.
- Can you hear the sound of fapping while you read this guy’s words?
- It’s so good to see debunking spreading to the mainstream press.
- Dominatrix Kim Petro gets an instant ticket to my Hall of Shame.
- Cops spy on woman who sued them for allowing one to rape her.
- A young man gets more than he bargained for in a strange drug.
- Would this excuse have worked for a victim with any other job?
- Is the ACLU finally beginning to do the right thing, at long last?
- An in-depth analysis of how Eden and its ilk harm sex workers.
- Sometimes “trafficking” just means “bringing in brown people“.
- Crappy poll claims the number of whores & clients is the same.
- Mark Draughn on the claim that sex work hurts the economy.
- The same “sex trafficking” story from different media outlets.
- A whore uses her superpower to seek revenge on an enemy.
- The United States, a shining example of liberty to the world.
- Brooke Magnanti sues idiot who claims she wasn’t a whore.
- Would a stay-at-home wife contract be legally enforceable?
- Another state expands the definition of “prostitution”.
- These fake numbers aren’t nearly as absurd as usual.
- Cops, criminality, plastic, Daleks and much more.
- Thailand arrests refugees as “trafficking victims”.
- My two previous columns for the vernal equinox.
- Noah Berlatsky on anti-sex writer Chris Hedges.
- Obviously, these “facts” don’t include any math.
- On the simultaneous having and eating of cake.
- Cops, rhetoric, propaganda and much more.
- More “questionable” than being a vice cop?
- In which I try to settle into life in Seattle.
- Jillian Keenan schools ignoramus judges.
- Charlie Sheen recommends sex workers.
- Sex work is evidence of brain damage?
- Higher education in the US is dead.
- Google censors antiwar protests.
- “Might be”? Try again, Emily.
- Catching up from SASS.