(She was) Just the sweetest lady.
A lot of my readers enjoy flattering me about the ease with which I take down idiots who try to challenge me on the internet, and needless to say I enjoy it, too, especially when the jokes are as funny as this video shared by Ablative Meatshield. The links above the video were provided by Nun Ya (“happens”), Dave Meyer Lindenberg (“state”), Tim Cushing (“seizure” and “innocence”), Radley Balko (“sociopathic”), and Charles Hill (“backward”).
- I hate it when this happens.
- This week in your police state.
- Cops beat & taze man for having a diabetic seizure.
- Calling them isn’t just stupid; it’s de facto sociopathic.
- Hopeless lawheads have this situation completely backward.
- That whole “presumption of innocence” thing was nice while it lasted.
- Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.
From the Archives
- The Bay Area tries desperately to cash in on the “gypsy whore” myth before it collapses completely.
- If cops don’t want people spreading stupid rumors, they need to stop spreading such themselves.
- A 33′ painted bronze sculpture of a beyond-naked pregnant woman with an exposed fetus.
- What next, shooting ’em with tranquilizer darts & RF tagging ’em for study?
- Thaddeus Russell reviews a book on sex work during the Alaska gold rush.
- Control freaks can’t get that the Swedish model is unwelcome in Scotland.
- Delusional men think they can “abolish prostitution” by ham-handedness.
- Sonja Dolinsek on the harm caused by the “gypsy whores” myth in Brazil.
- Vietnamese “authorities” think 3 weeks’ pay will convince whores to quit.
- The pill pushers are determined to sell a non-cure for a non-dysfunction.
- Try not to get sick from propaganda vomited up all over these reporters.
- Ghosts, Seinfeld, video, cops, perverts, Christopher Lee and much more.
- When “prostitution ring” means one girl, her boyfriend and his mother.
- The people accused of “trafficking” are almost never actually criminals.
- Women do whatever they need to do to survive in a worker’s paradise.
- Ninja pimps with mind-control powers are rarer in Canadian folklore.
- Slender Man, prisons, cops, cheese, emasculation, kittens and more.
- Another article on the prohibitionist documentary Hot Girls Wanted.
- “The first step…is…getting the women to see themselves as victims.”
- What coffee stands are to Everett, massage parlors are to Bellevue.
- “Gypsy whores” idiocy with a Swedish-Canadian police-state flavor.
- The “juju sex slaves” myth just keeps going like a battered zombie.
- Researcher Bo Jensen shares sex work statistics from Denmark.
- It’s so nice to see a few public intellectuals actually saying this.
- FBI reports make rape sound humdrum and almost accidental.
- Glenn Kessler continues to hammer at “sex trafficking” myths.
- The Swiss government rejects criminalization of prostitution.
- Congress stops all federal funding to Operation Choke Point.
- 18 months for whores, 8 hours for clients. Yeah, that’s fair.
- Snopes debunks the “teen job sex trafficking scam” rumor.
- Yet another “reality” show about prohibitionist vigilantes.
- This will continue for as long as our work is criminalized.
- How can I deal with issues that keep me from intimacy?
- Yasmin Nair is on the same page as I am about Kristof.
- Judge says stage stripping is art, but lap dancing isn’t.
- Molly Smith on the problems with the Swedish model.
- A short biography of the courtesan Ninon de l’Enclos.
- An amusing “future story” in a Canadian newspaper.
- Here’s the magical pimp mind-control philter again.
- Christina Parreira on working in a Nevada brothel.
- Another “sex trafficking survivor” bites the dust.
- Wanted: a really big tour bus with 40,000 seats.
- The continuing adventures of Aella the Amazon.
- Welcome to our world, New York housewives.
- Why is “pussy” slang for female genitalia?
- In which I just can’t resist teasing y’all.
- The truth about “child sex trafficking”.
- Will these “reporters” never wake up?
- My visit to Los Angeles & San Diego.
- Kristof the Rat turns on his “hero”.
- An exceptionally stupid sex toy.
- R.I.P. Christopher Lee.
- Friday the 13th, 2014.
- Piano criminalization.
- Now he asks.