A police spokesman commended the sergeant for not shooting [an innocent old man in his own home]. – NYPD report
I’ve had this week’s video (provided by Jesse Walker) floating around for a while now, but there were things I wanted to show you more. I do think you’ll like it; I just didn’t really think outtakes from a 40-year-old movie were very time-dependent. The links above it were contributed by Women with a Vision (“religion”), Tim Cushing (“shower” & “never”), and Popehat (“courthouse”).
- But for video.
- Religion in Louisiana.
- Cop murders teen for taking a shower.
- Never call the cops for any reason whatsoever.
- Cop beats defense lawyer in courthouse. No charges, natch.
From the Archives
- The link between abortion prohibition & “sex trafficking” hysteria increases.
- Fairies, horses, Terry Pratchett, cops, teachers, politicians, poop & Grease.
- Is it possible to rescue coerced victims, yet not interfere with sex workers?
- I’m always pleased when someone attacks the concept of “empowerment”.
- Thought the “anti-pimp hygiene products” trope couldn’t get any stupider?
- Some gay activists oppose this because it denies them special privileges.
- Cops, Kiwis, fossils, nursing, comics, graffiti, ovens, goats and lawyers.
- More continuity between the Satanic Panic & “sex trafficking” hysteria.
- Pimps! Sex slaves! Benevolent cops! And other imaginary characters!
- Cops use “sex trafficking” as excuse to send SWAT team to strip club.
- Sydney politicians lose fight against whores they hired a man to rape.
- That whole “presumption of innocence” thing was nice while it lasted.
- 10 Things You Need to Know Before You Support the Swedish Model.
- Potty-obsessed politician wants to enforce his hangups with violence.
- Louisville cops insist transgender murder victim wasn’t transgender.
- The unchecked metastasis of the Department of Homeland Security.
- Remember the Dallas outfit cashing in on “sex trafficking” tours?
- Things had been going a lot better for my friend Kelly Michaels…
- Cops have a strange way of showing they dislike stupid myths.
- Read this and tell me that Marxism & feminism aren’t religions.
- The newest “sign” of “sex trafficking”: going to a beauty parlor.
- Spokane schemes to steal cars if driven across imaginary lines.
- Still crusading against imaginary “traffickers” in North Dakota.
- Advocate arrested as “pimp” for helping sex workers organize.
- An introduction to Linda Smith and Shared Hope International.
- Dominique Roe-Sepowitz makes up bullshit & calls it a “study”.
- Propping up the narrative by calling male sexworkers “pimps”.
- Male delusions about sex work start extra-early in Sweden.
- 4% of the adult female population of Chicago are whores.
- BDSM practitioners are generally psychologically healthy.
- Spanish whores offer an “intro to prostitution” course.
- Why do some sex workers like to pay for social dates?
- Another politician demonstrates reaction formation.
- Joyce Arthur hits it out of the park with this satire.
- Another state arrests whores to brainwash them.
- Dr. Brooke Magnanti reviews Ladies of the Night.
- On the simultaneous having and eating of cake.
- Three incorporeal beings share travelers’ tales.
- A female client of sex workers tells her story.
- Believing in nonsense does not make it true.
- The world’s first successful penis transplant.
- One of those awkward sex work moments.
- Why Rachel Moran’s story is pure bullshit.
- Virginia Postrel on anti-Barbie nonsense.
- McMartin Preschool: Anatomy of a Panic.
- Charlotte Rose’s work with the disabled.
- Video ridicules condom criminalization.
- Prohibitionists sometimes wake up.
- My hectic first weeks in Seattle.
- Couple arrested for witchcraft.
- The humility of Meena Seshu.
- Why Viagra ruined sex work.
- Another stupid licensing law.
- Rapist cops of the week.
- Another Friday the 13th.