COME GET UR BITE. – “Officer” Keith Bush
Not quite a video, but in video format; this is the Philip K. Dick story “Impostor” adapted as a radio play. And if you like that one, here are five more. They were provided by Jesse Walker, who also gave us “Carmilla”; the other links were contributed by Cathy Reisenwitz (“protect”), Tushy Galore (“KKK”), Nun Ya (“Christmas” and “18”), and Wendy Lyon (“limited”).
- Texts from Carmilla.
- To protect and serve.
- Suffragette or KKK member?
- Don’t even call them on Christmas.
- Just in case you thought this was limited to the U.S.
- What part of “not for any reason” do people fail to understand?
- Because laws stopping those under 18 from doing it work so well.
From the Archives
- Surveillance, bureaucracy, Seattle, lawheads, cops, time travel, dogs, overcriminalization, propaganda & The Thing.
- Why do “rescue homes” deny women’s agency & reduce them to passive, doll-like creatures?
- Sometimes the connection between “sex trafficking” hysteria & Satanic panic is subtle…
- It’s unusual to see an evangelical break with the party line on “trafficking”.
- Cops pimp dead whore’s corpse by declaring her a “sex trafficking victim”.
- “Cyber Civil Rights Initiative” is a front organization for Mary Anne Franks.
- A retrospective of my columns from December 2010 and December 2011.
- Self-proclaimed “authority” explains that porn causes “sex trafficking”.
- Jin Ohashi…is being questioned for his unethical way of taking photos.
- “Sex Trafficking Hysteria” as a heading in a national magazine article.
- Cops use mere existence of whore’s child to felonize consensual sex.
- How dare libertarians not privilege gay sex above other non-crimes!
- Cops, masturbation, Donna Douglas, surveillance and much more.
- “Rescuers” give arrested sex workers crayons & coloring books.
- “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!”
- It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen a creepy rapist doctor.
- Melissa Gira Grant picks the best sex work writing of the year.
- An attempt to partly re-criminalize sex work in New Zealand.
- An orang-utan is legally recognized as a person in Argentina.
- What a classic horror movie can tell us about human nature.
- Cops & vigilantes use “pedophilia” as an excuse to run wild.
- As I predicted, this trope is becoming much more common.
- Another long, horrifying article on the Magdalene laundries.
- Feminists never think of the implications of laws they push.
- Prostitution-related charges in Toronto have dropped 90%.
- Cop lets man die to keep his Pot Noodle from getting cold.
- Previous columns for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.
- An excerpt from Mindy Chateauvert’s Sex Workers Unite.
- West African “penis stealing” hysteria, now with whores!
- An excellent December 17thcolumn by Clay Nikiforuk.
- New Jersey works to instill moral panic in schoolkids.
- More examples of “porn” blocked by the UK’s filters.
- More totalitarian prudery from Everett, Washington.
- Adults without lives demand a “plus-size” Barbie.
- A rare Irish denunciation of the Swedish Model.
- Why “sex trafficking” tall tales read like porn.
- In which prosecutors literally pimp an escort.
- The worst trauma of my “Year of Disaster”.
- The Cartoon History of the Modern World.
- Another casualty of the War on Whores.
- Nursing fetishists persecuted in China.
- “Forced prostitution”, because I-95.
- Go ahead, please cringe with me.
- What a difference a year makes!
- Laura Lee at Harlot’s Parlour.
- Rapist cop of the week.
- Predictable as sunrise.
- R.I.P. Andrew Hunter.