Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt. – Franz Kafka
Even though it’s in German, I think you’ll appreciate this short animation of Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” provided by Ed Krayewski (or else you won’t). The links above it were contributed by Nun Ya, Scott Greenfield, WWAV, Mike Siegel, Brooke Magnanti, and Michael Whiteacre (in that order).
- As one does.
- Dear Feministing: No.
- Paging Frank Herbert.
- I hate it when this happens.
- Boris Karloff’s recipe for guacamole.
- And if you do call them, they’ll be acquitted.
From the Archives
- Cops, animals, vocals, daycare, The Bus, blasphemy, Bill Watterson, Benedict Cumberbatch, stupidity, names and Scandinavia.
- Cops, costumes, hysteria, Dick, clowns, parody, prohibition, animation and giant sex toys.
- Remember the sex worker who killed the cop & I said there was more to it?
- Satanic child abuse doesn’t really exist, but anti-Satanic child abuse does.
- Idea women might have minds & agency unacceptable to Canadian cops.
- Whether the infection is biological or technological, it’s always the same.
- And this, kiddies, is why Maggie McNeill, LLC is registered in Delaware.
- Teen threatened with “sex offender” registry for prank hangs himself.
- Jerry Brown pretends prison inmates don’t have sex with each other.
- Substituting the word “evidence” for the proper term, “propaganda”.
- Charlotte Shane’s scathing review of Sudhir Venkatesh’s new book.
- Abuses always start with stigmatized groups, but never stop there.
- Sex workers contaminate Amazon wishlists with our dirty sex rays.
- How can I get an escort to shower immediately before seeing me?
- University bans pole dancing due to its association with stripping.
- Canadian politician caught in US sting supported by sex workers.
- Florida cops try to penalize people for driving on certain streets.
- Natalie Rowe raided by police after revealing dirt on a politician.
- A unique and highly principled escort faces an ethical dilemma.
- Cop beats sex worker; people talk but nothing happens to cop.
- The especially-revolting French version of the Swedish model.
- These lies are outrageous even by “sex trafficking” standards.
- Crypto-moralists try to pretend that fatty foods are addictive.
- The usual ludicrous nonsense from one of the usual suspects.
- “Prostitution” is often an excuse for harassing black women.
- “I received death threats from Somaly and her entourage…“
- It’s still good news if her lawyer can get a raid thrown out.
- Online bookstore blames porn for its poor website design.
- A man seeks therapy for help with a recurring nightmare.
- The noisome fruit of the “mandatory prosecution” tree.
- Cops lure drug buyers to Florida in order to rob them.
- Prohibitionists never care about little things like facts.
- More on my then-upcoming trip to Chicago & Seattle.
- Another UN agency reaffirms support of sex workers.
- Prisons don’t actually have to be torture chambers.
- Dave Krueger on the evil of consensual crime laws.
- A month of horrible violence against transwomen.
- At least a few Swedish politicians seem to get it.
- Rupert Everett’s anti-Swedish model campaign.
- Somaly Mam and Uncle Sam will not be happy.
- Another look at how this blog is put together.
- Caging teen girls to “protect” them from sex.
- Apes certainly deserve it more than zygotes.
- A short interview with Dr. Heidi Hoefinger.
- Rapist cops of the week, 2013 and 2014.
- Somaly Mam caught in another huge lie.
- Criminalizing the use of public urinals.
- The horror of good customer service.
- Another stupid “sex trafficking” play.
- Yet another rescue industry fraud.
- Advice on being a good mistress.
- An anti-Swedish model tool kit.
- The Brittany Maynard Fund.
- “Confidential informant“.
- R.I.P. Gabriela Leite.