Some habitual farters argue that they need to fart for medical reasons but that doesn’t mean my kids should have to smell their farts. – Peter Walters
An excellent crop this week! The video, a musical version of my adage “Never call the cops for any reason whatsoever”, was brought to my attention by Formerly Dave, and the links above it were provided by Radley Balko (“safety” and “elderly”), Grace (“shitty” and “Walters”), Carol Fenton (“Gideon”), Jesse Walker (“travel”, “equivalent” and “population”), Franklin Harris (“another”), Michael Whiteacre (“PETA”), Dan Savage (“stroke”), and Domina Elle (“flashbang”).
- Officer safety!
- What a shitty idea.
- The Mark of Gideon.
- This I’d travel to see.
- Well done, Mr. Walters.
- Another day in a police state.
- The continuing insanity of PETA.
- Calling the state is equivalent to calling the cops.
- Cop pepper-sprays & tases man having a massive stroke.
- Cops maim an elderly man, leaving him too crippled to move.
- The world divided into 200 countries of roughly equal population.
- Cops say infant at fault for getting face blown off by cop-hurled flashbang.
From the Archives
- Mainstream media eagerly report human rights abuses in China, while ignoring the exact same ones in the West.
- If prohibitionists really want to “save” sex workers, why do they stop us from getting other jobs?
- Unfortunately, not every outed sex worker has Belle Knox’s incredible strength and resolve.
- Politician thinks US Congress has power to criminalize prostitution in other countries.
- Silly preacher, only politically-connected companies are allowed to do this.
- Cops busting lemonade stands isn’t news any more, but this is a new low.
- Celebrities are superior beings qualified to judge what others “deserve”.
- As bad as US prohibitionists are, at least most of ’em aren’t murderous.
- Tennessee wants to punish fake “child trafficking” with the real thing.
- Teachers, robots, cops, toilet paper, games, undead & menstruation.
- Too bad he lost the suit; this kind of ethical breach is unforgiveable.
- Ashley Madison makes dumb claim; reporters obediently repeat it.
- Being an official busybody for an oppressive regime is hard work!
- Activism is not for our benefit, but for that of future generations.
- Once again: female sex drive has nothing to do with blood flow.
- Heroic cops protect New York from dangerous hot dog vendors.
- The “sex offender” registry does kids far more harm than good.
- Female prison guards’ delicate ladyfeelings trump men’s lives.
- Yet another rescue industry “hero” is exposed as a con artist.
- How much worse can they make “sex offender” registration?
- Pathetic middle-class white British feminists are at it again.
- What if my local message board is trying to drive me out?
- “Those who…sit on the fence…side for…the ruling party.”
- Another blow against the absurdity of consensual crime.
- SWAT team dispatched to stop adults from having sex.
- In which I answer questions about Ladies of the Night.
- A pro-censorship article and a toadying response to it.
- The utter failure of California’s “sex offender” registry.
- Disney, cops, bureaucracy, Tom Lehrer and more.
- The largest study on domestic violence ever done.
- A retrospective of my columns from May of 2011.
- Because you know, “false consciousness” and all.
- Jill Brenneman on the Cleveland kidnap victims.
- Mobs with torches are back in fashion, it seems.
- Arrested for dancing in two oppressive regimes.
- A home in Mexico City for retired sex workers.
- The beginning of the end for Somaly Mam.
- Pope Francis touts non-Biblical mythology.
- Once again, Dr. David Ley tells it like it is.
- The endgame of “sex trafficking” hysteria.
- The ethical nightmare of Project ROSE.
- Blackmailer investigated for blackmail.
- West African “penis stealing” hysteria.
- Chinese public sides with sting victim.
- A story with absolutely no good guys.
- France rejects the Swedish model.
- Susan Trimarco’s witch hunt.
- Another thoughtcrime law.
- My very first diary column.
- Rapist cops of the week.
- “Exploiting” each other.
- Maggie’s Top 40.