I cannot turn to gaze at this everyday miracle because every time I do, I smell the anus of Satan. – Lau Munyee
This week’s featured video popped up on Twitter a couple of times this week, but I didn’t note who pointed it out first (sorry about that). The links above it were provided by Angela Keaton (“faking”), Mike Siegel (“heart”), Radley Balko (“wannabes”), Tushy Galore (“pipe”), Mistress Matisse (“standard”), and Marc Randazza (“science”).
- Stop faking!
- All prohibitionism is the same.
- A young woman after my own heart.
- Cops electrocute shackled, mentally ill woman.
- Libertarianism even happens to cop wannabes.
- Cops murder teen for having a pipe in his pocket.
- I predict this’ll be a standard practice in five years.
- Faith healer says science can’t be trusted if a transwoman explains it.
From the Archives
- Space Oddity, science, the police state, barns, the drug war, witchcraft, shit, nutritionism, ancient monuments and dead fish.
- Another example of Dateline’s revolting practice of luring men to be fodder for their televised Roman circus.
- Given that she lies like a rug about her education & weight, the back-out was totally predictable.
- Lawheads amazed barricades can’t magically abolish need to earn money for bills and food.
- Free market provides defense to especially nasty tool of fascist panopticon.
- Cops, robots, bureaucracy, Giger, potholes, wishlists, Catholicism & more.
- Brooke Magnanti on efforts to control women using excuse of pregnancy.
- Sure, I’d have sex with an android; their money’s as good as anyone’s.
- Besides other flaws it’s just a policy, rescindable at a moment’s notice.
- Fetishists tout “sex trafficking” nonsense; unintentional hilarity ensues.
- How the “trafficking” paradigm confuses those whose minds it pollutes.
- The “trafficking” narrative is largely an excuse for restricting migration.
- Much of this seems to be the product of one woman’s BDSM fantasies.
- More evidence of the absurdity of the claim that few men pay for sex.
- Another incredibly-broad “sex trafficking” law based on the CASE Act.
- Dominican sex workers respond to government “end demand” noise.
- Federal court strikes down Florida law against walking while female.
- A course for German sex workers on how to handle disabled clients.
- If you’re a fan of “sex offender” registration, meet your bedfellows.
- “A pure policy of prohibition couldn’t win a flower pot in Germany.“
- 400 cops to arrest 19 masseuses. Need I mention the motive?
- Is an escort safe if she has years of well-documented history?
- An escort figures out how to deal with a most unusual suitor.
- “There’s no evidence whatsoever; we just want more power.”
- Scottish local governments resistant anti-sex business hype.
- HuffPo writer equates consensual sex with rape and murder.
- Texas court uses prohibitionist bullshit to uphold “pole tax”.
- Spanish prostitutes build goodwill by doing street cleaning.
- Another would-be ally fails to check with sex workers first.
- Kelly Michaels on state abduction of sex workers’ children.
- What would a young escort swindler look and behave like?
- A grotesque display of political pandering from New York.
- It’s not politically correct to tell the truth about condoms.
- Another rescue industry icon is exposed as a con artist.
- Sarah Woolley on why “objectification” is pure bollocks.
- Gypsy whores hysteria, Commonwealth Games edition.
- Canadian cops envy US cops’ “sex trafficking” budgets.
- The tale of a bounty hunter in a dystopian near future.
- Cops accuse man of sexually abusing his pet peacock.
- The truth is nearly always somewhere in the middle.
- Dr. Laura Agustin at the Dublin Anarchist Book Fair.
- Baltimore woman charged with “trafficking” herself.
- An Indian sex worker tells the truth about “rescue”.
- Neofeminists try to censor the name of a journal.
- The growing fight against sex offender registries.
- Margo St. James and the early days of COYOTE.
- Australian brothel wins customer service award.
- Man convicted of raping eight sex workers.
- The Herring and the Brine and Whirlygig.
- The state views children as its property.
- Busybodies simply adore dysphemisms.
- Harm reduction workers in Lancashire.
- Another Ashley Madison scam.
- The degeneration of the SPLC.
- Rapist TSA thug of the week.
- Rapist cops of the week.
- Me in the media again.