Love & Sex Magazine

Links #253

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

Parents should be mindful of the advantage provided by bedtime reading.  –  Adam Swift

This week’s video was suggested by the musician friend I mentioned in my last diary column, Drake Sherman; the links above it came from Grace (“fascism” and “Whitney”), Scott Greenfield (“lock”), Jesse Walker (“Terry”), Radley Balko (“never” and “Karelia”), and RMV (“satire”).

From the Archives

  • Wine, bacon, cops, language, censorship, pomposity, prudishness, drugs, population and a horror short.
  • Another empty-headed actress attacks her less-privileged sisters with stupid lies & moronic myths.
  • The newest excuse for police rape of sex workers is that Asian massage parlors are “sophisticated”.
  • When they’re not infantilizing whores & demonizing our clients, they’re doing the exact opposite.
  • Workers are not responsible for the moral failings (real or imaginary) of those who employ them.
  • How the Golden Age of comics was destroyed by the repressive Comics Code Authority.
  • How the government gets private corporations to do what it’s prohibited from doing.
  • Prohibitionists pretend to be concerned for women, but they’re all about the men.
  • Cops, correlation, shit, honesty, laws, politicians, pet rocks & much more.
  • A “sex trafficking” cluck lectures us about the importance of word order.
  • Sheriff considers himself the owner of every human being in his county.
  • Wendy Lyon does her usual thorough job ripping apart a bogus study.
  • A long, confused article on the latest attempt to destroy the internet.
  • Busybodies love the police state until their doors are smashed down.
  • Thousands of Indian whores lose their life savings to Ponzi schemes.
  • Tulsa, Oklahoma’s sleazy war on whores reaches a new level of evil.
  • An entity so large it harms by its very existence, is much too large.
  • Sacrifices to the myth that sex can be purified, sanctified & tamed.
  • Good-time girls and other non-professionals taking money for sex.
  • Pennsylvania likes destroying the lives of kids who aren’t asexual.
  • Lawheads are willing to shut down a city to stop consensual sex.
  • How can a woman discourage her husband from hiring whores?
  • White House claims 4% of American girls are “child sex slaves”.
  • Amateur convicted of prostitution for answering a personal ad.
  • Indian censors want to ban international telecommunication.
  • A response to Rakhi “pop stars cause sex trafficking” Kumar.
  • Fake whore pepper-sprays a teen and steals his piggy bank.
  • The first signs of the massive anti-sex pogrom in Dongguan.
  • Cop claims he was framed for drugs by his girlfriend’s pimp.
  • An American medical student is auctioning off her virginity.
  • Amazon declares some of its own products “inappropriate”.
  • US prison officials silence prisoners’ protests with torture.
  • As a pagan, do you believe in magic and psychic powers?
  • The making of the DSM and the unmaking of psychiatry.
  • On the fallibility of human memory as “testimony”.
  • Note that the word “trafficking” is entirely absent.
  • Newspaper mocks and demonizes murder victim.
  • A powerful statement from Filipino sex workers.
  • “Rescue” NGO enslaves 76 children in Uganda.
  • Bad client falls to his death while fleeing cops.
  • Can you imagine this in an American paper?
  • Selling furniture causes “sex trafficking”!
  • New York arrests men for being gay.
  • A short biography of Lillie Langtry.
  • The Streetwalkers’ Brigade.
  • Debunking magic formulae.
  • R.I.P. Ray Harryhausen.
  • Rapist cop of the week.
  • So much for “Sin City”.
  • The Wiener exception.
  • Porn Studies.

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