I thought Vermont was American not Latin? Does any Latin places have American mottos? – Dorothy Lynn Lepisto
This week’s first video is a commentary from Molly Crabapple, who also provided the two links above it; the second video was contributed by Mistress Matisse, who says the universe put her in my life to bring me more fun and silliness. The links between the videos are from Cliterati (“heroines”), Wikileaks (“police state”), Elizabeth N. Brown (“brain”), Radley Balko (“libertarianism” and “peasantry”), Rick Horowitz (“snow”), Clarkhat (“color”), Paul J. Ste. Marie (“machine”), Jillian Keenan (“armed”), and Popehat (“jailed”).
- Crime: Failing to pay bus fare. Sentence: Beaten to death.
- Artist beaten by thugs who didn’t like his plea for peace.
- My new heroines.
- But this isn’t a police state.
- So stupid it will hurt your brain.
- Libertarianism happens to people.
- Cop brings a gun to a snowball fight.
- The fallout from last week’s hip-hop video.
- Laws are for the peasantry, not the rulers.
- Guess what skin color this guy doesn’t have.
- Don’t let a machine call the cops for you, either.
- Because we certainly need more armed “authorities”.
- Another delusional “authority”, another innocent jailed.
From the Archives
- Cookie Monster, swans, monsters, tag, Stairway to Heaven, prohibitionism, cops, government, language, drugs and huge ships.
- BYU wants young Mormons to “rescue” friends from wanking by ratting on them to religious “authorities”.
- Why is it that some women are happy with sexless marriages and won’t understand why men can’t be?
- Some “sex trafficking” fetishists waited until Super Bowl Sunday to trot out their claims last year.
- Cops, time, irony, Gothic, fascism, Pat Robertson, Dead Sea Scrolls, bureaucracy & yellow journalism.
- “Police have a special inclination toward confabulation…[and] an incentive to lie“.
- Your periodic reminder that Dennis Hof is a revolting excuse for a human being.
- Kansas Supreme Court rules strippers are employees, not contractors.
- When the state turns custom into law, most people don’t even flinch.
- Look past the “sex slave” rhetoric to what’s actually going on here.
- “For $11 per minute, patrons…can ask for the…butt pillow…service“.
- Atlanta’s police chief wants to “banish” sex workers from “his” city.
- The high standards of American journalism have reached Pakistan.
- What advice do you have for an escort who’s losing regulars?
- Another would-be sex worker “ally” who should just shut up.
- Video of a thought forming in the brain of a larval zebrafish.
- A short biography of the wild and extravagant Cora Pearl.
- New Hampshire bans sex offender residency restrictions.
- More on Canadian cops’ sex worker intimidation scheme.
- Skepticism about the “gypsy whores” myth is spreading.
- Gloria Steinem continues her journey into irrelevance.
- In Saudi Arabia, a war between humans and baboons.
- Indian politicians try to quietly criminalize prostitution.
- Machines built by bigotry work to grind up everybody.
- Another bogus “meat kills” study from radical vegans.
- German neofeminist doesn’t like her tax fraud outed.
- More good stuff about sex work with disabled clients.
- Why are some women attracted to mass murderers?
- It’s not “trafficking” if the government approves of it.
- How stupid personal animosities undermine activism.
- Indian cops arrest dating couples for “prostitution”.
- Gibson releases new guitar made with seized wood.
- Cops murder survival sex workers with impunity.
- Man says female IRS agent coerced him into sex.
- Footballers acquitted of consensual sex charges.
- Harvey Silverglate reviews Unlearning Liberty.
- Judge returns money cops stole from stripper.
- Cult hysteria meets “sex trafficking” hysteria.
- Cathy Reisenwitz on Amnesty International.
- Art major fantasizes about whores in crates.
- Judge sends man to prison for comic books.
- More violent men who target sex workers.
- A short interview with Melissa Gira Grant.
- Dr. Brooke Magnanti on the “pimp” myth.
- I guess rugs just aren’t as sexy as whores.
- Sex workers are not your rescue project.
- “Fornication” is still a crime in Virginia.
- My two previous columns for Imbolc.
- A sex worker conference in Kolkata.
- Two flavors of Twitter censorship.
- Rapist cops of the week, plus one.
- Edinburgh scraps sauna licensing.
- Two excellent posts by readers.
- R.I.P. Gloria Leonard.
- Vampyres.