You should have seen what we did to this guy—we jacked him up! – “Officer” Cynthia Whitlatch
This week’s top link contributor was nobody! Actually, it was Reason articles tweeted by the Reason account, but I don’t give self-evident credits (i.e. articles tweeted by their own authors or host media) because they’re self-evident. Got it? The first video is from Mark Draughn, and even though I don’t like hip-hop I think this song needs to be promoted, especially because the NYPD wants it censored. And since 50 Shades of Grey has appeared so often here lately, I thought y’all might enjoy this parody of E.L. James’ execrable prose and abysmal plotting. The links between the videos were provided by Franklin Harris (“does” and “ad”), Walter Olson (“cuckoo”), Grace (“effect” and “never”), Jillian Keenan (“horrible”), Clarissa (“safer”), Radley Balko (“touch”), Nun Ya (“lives” and “butch”), Tushy Galore (“dog”), Rick Horowitz (“cane”), Elizabeth N. Brown (“Uber”), Popehat (“rescue”), and Domina Elle (“menstruating”).
- School forces little girls to strip, inspects their anuses.
- The state wants a monopoly on robbery.
- Because “officer safety” and all.
- As one does.
- Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs?
- Real Domino’s ad from Israel.
- Cops reverse cause and effect.
- Why are some people so horrible?
- I’m sure everyone feels safer now.
- What “completely out of touch” looks like.
- I think he used up at least two lives in this.
- Never call the cops for any reason whatsoever.
- Two cops hold girl down so attack dog can maul her.
- Delusional cop arrests old man for walking with cane.
- Cities ban Uber because it costs them DUI arrest revenue.
- When whores try to do this, they arrest us & call it “rescue”.
- Prison visitor strip-searched to prove she was menstruating.
- Cop beat lesbian girl for being butch, kicks out brother’s teeth.
From the Archives
- I’m falling in love with my sex worker and she has intimated she feels the same, but already has a boyfriend. Could she be leading me on?
- Cops, debutantes, politicians, robots, Twitter, bakemono, drugs, cats, spiders, zombies, flaming cheese and the school to prison pipeline.
- What should I do if I’m only aroused by women I feel an emotional connection to, but no woman I meet seems interested in dating?
- Truckers move pallets full of immobile “women and children” via forklift in crowded truck stops without anyone noticing.
- On the cruelty of denying commercial sex to men who can’t experience physical intimacy in any other way.
- Another pompous ignoramus uses a debunked study to pretend sex work ignores all economic laws.
- Surveillance, weirdness, vaccines, livestock, poetry, pomposity, cops and fascism.
- “You’re probably safer with a professional than with a gifted amateur”.
- Forcing massage parlors to close at 10 PM is the latest anti-whore fad.
- Judge throws out most of the charges in the “zumba prostitute” case.
- Cops save citizens of Connecticut from menace of 71-year-old whore.
- End of government ability to control money can’t come soon enough.
- A cute little promo video made at the Sex Worker Freedom Festival.
- Judge won’t force Los Angeles to establish redundant department.
- Sex workers fight attempt to impose Swedish model on Indonesia.
- “Sex trafficking” rhetoric derives directly from Protestant theology.
- The vileness of arresting whores in the name of “rescuing” them.
- More “stripper licensing” idiocy, with “sex trafficking” nonsense.
- Swedish rapist cleared, says unconscious woman wasn’t drunk.
- What fraction of male sexual encounters are with prostitutes?
- Prohibitionist explains that all prohibitions are equally valid.
- Dr. Jay Levy on the violence caused by the Swedish model.
- It never takes control freaks very long to prove my points.
- Psychotic nuns abuse children at a residential care home.
- Tulsa cops play hero while destroying real people’s lives.
- Men: Pay your hookers! Ladies: Get the money up front!
- Another article on the PEPFAR “anti-prostitution pledge”.
- Canadian cops launch horrible plan to stalk sex workers.
- Experts condemn politicians’ support of Swedish model.
- Irish judge refers to Nazis as a “Jewish support group”.
- A Vice documentary on “butt shots” from non-doctors.
- Being attracted to hot chicks is “socially constructed”.
- Salvation Army home locked boys in a cage for days.
- German whores refuse to take bad laws lying down.
- The story of compulsive busybody Thomas Radecki.
- Japanese politician says sex slavery is no big deal.
- Judge orders sperm donor to pay child support.
- In which I change my mind on a few issues.
- How do whores deal with underage clients?
- The story of New York City’s “cabaret card”.
- Imagine an American politician saying this.
- Something suspicious is going on at P411.
- A mobile “panic button” for streetwalkers.
- Slowly but surely, the press is waking up.
- Introducing my book, Ladies of the Night.
- All the hooker songs I’ve covered so far.
- More on the prostitution law challenge.
- “Sex with Google Glass”. Seriously.
- More Nevada brothel gentrification.
- YOU are a computer criminal!
- January 2011 in retrospect.
- King of the Hill: Oklahoma!
- Rapist cops of the week.
- With friends like these…
- My favorite movies.