From what you’ve told me you don’t need an ambulance…You could try a warm bath but if you collapse, become unconscious [or] unresponsive…it’s 999. – Heidi Nicholls
I’m very disappointed at the tardiness of Halloween spirit the last few years; there’s only one more Links column before the big day, yet I’ve seen virtually no seasonal links and only one seasonal video (the first one below, contributed by Aspasia). I had to go looking for the second one myself, though I’m quite pleased with it. Everything above the first video is from Rick Horowitz, and the links between the videos from Brooke Magnanti (“colon”), ManCrack (“Dick”), Clarissa (“hammer”), Jesse Walker (“clowns”), Molli Desi (“medicine”), Saladin Ahmed (“authoritarian”), Radley Balko (“prohibition” & “bicycle”), and Mistress Matisse (“plug”).
- Gang member shoots man in back, pepper-sprays him as he dies.
- Cops point guns at woman in labor after destroying her tires.
- But it’s about public safety! Honestly!
- The power of hysteria.
- Because they can.
- The smell of his colon.
- 33 free Philip K. Dick books.
- When your only tool is a hammer…
- Just another day in a police state.
- The Bakersfield clown panic continues.
- Another triumph of socialized medicine.
- Huffpo falls for Popehat Kim Jong-Un parody.
- A terrifying peek inside the authoritarian mind.
- The wholly predictable consequences of prohibition.
- Artist admits “Tree” is actually an immense butt plug.
- Crime: riding bicycle. Penalty: choked unconscious, child abducted.
From the Archives
- Poe, chocolate, consequences, Monty Python, 6-word stories, lunch, eyeballs, roaches, drugs, beer, wine, Pokemon and the police state.
- Cops, animals, vocals, daycare, The Bus, blasphemy, Bill Watterson, Benedict Cumberbatch, stupidity, names and Scandinavia.
- Whether the infection is biological or technological, it’s always the same.
- As long as government actors have power over people, this will happen.
- Sex radiation is so dangerous, exposed students must be quarantined.
- Politician notices West is trying to “criminalize lust” after he’s charged.
- Teen threatened with “sex offender” registry for prank hangs himself.
- Jerry Brown pretends prison inmates don’t have sex with each other.
- A badge turns armed robbery into “improper use of forfeiture funds”.
- Charlotte Shane’s scathing review of Sudhir Venkatesh’s new book.
- Nairobi mayor threatens to arrest sex workers for doing as he says.
- Abuses always start with stigmatized groups, but never stop there.
- Sex workers contaminate Amazon wishlists with our dirty sex rays.
- How is it that women can seemingly cut off their sex drives at will?
- How can I get an escort to shower immediately before seeing me?
- University bans pole dancing due to its association with stripping.
- Canadian politician caught in US sting supported by sex workers.
- Florida cops try to penalize people for driving on certain streets.
- Natalie Rowe raided by police after revealing dirt on a politician.
- A unique and highly principled escort faces an ethical dilemma.
- The especially-revolting French version of the Swedish model.
- Crypto-moralists try to pretend that fatty foods are addictive.
- Online bookstore blames porn for its poor website design.
- Dr. Graham Ellison on the absurdity of the Swedish model.
- Sex trafficking victims enslaved by witchcraft and torture!
- Battle of the control freaks: abortion vs. “sex trafficking”.
- Accepting profile of a several San Francisco sex workers.
- Prudes make an unnecessary Gardasil study necessary.
- The noisome fruit of the “mandatory prosecution” tree.
- Cops lure drug buyers to Florida in order to rob them.
- Another UN agency reaffirms support of sex workers.
- I really like this trend of brothels sponsoring things.
- Prisons don’t actually have to be torture chambers.
- A three-part horror tale for the Halloween season.
- Dr. Brooke Magnanti on “sex trafficking” hysteria.
- Zimbabwean lawyers support decriminalization.
- Rupert Everett’s anti-Swedish model campaign.
- Dr. Gad Saad on ludicrous tabula rasa notions.
- Vietnam ends “re-education” of sex workers.
- A short interview with Dr. Heidi Hoefinger.
- Somaly Mam caught in another huge lie.
- Advice on being a good mistress.
- An anti-Swedish model tool kit.
- Rapist cops of the week.
- R.I.P. Gabriela Leite.
- My first million.