Love & Sex Magazine

Links #222

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

Taking care of a puppy is a full-time job and if I am not there for every moment in the first year of its life I have failed as a parent.  –  Trish Lemierre

There were lots and lots and LOTS of links this week, but only one video (the first, contributed by Aspasia); so, I decided to let Penn & Teller use doughnuts to illustrate the spectacular failure of the Drug War in only 88 seconds.  Everything above the first video was provided by Radley Balko, and the links between the videos came from Grace (“law” and “badge”), Michael Whiteacre  (“litigious”), Luscious Lani (“oh-oh”, “potato” and “population”), Dave Krueger  (“police state”), Cop Block (“colors” and “snow beat”), Dan Savage (“taser”),  Lucy Steigerwald (“cigarettes”), Scott Greenfield (“stolen car”), and Wikileaks  (“rude”).

From the Archives

  • Weeds, cops, fingerprints, Nazis, cobras, trolls, dogs, racism, lawyers, irony, motion sickness, spiritual rape, drug war, busybodies & Juggalos.
  • I wish sex worker activists cared more about establishing our social value than about preserving feminist myths.
  • Cops, surveillance, Bach, Codex Seraphinianus, schools, Wonder Woman, drug war, dogs, demons and the Daily Mail.
  • Some Zimbabwean politicians understand rights better than those in US.
  • Activities magically become different things if one only does them once.
  • I doubt we’ll ever know the truth about the so-called “teen girl pimps”.
  • Big businesses woo valuable employees with (halfway) whores. Yawn.
  • Why do prohibitionists keep stopping whores from getting other jobs?
  • “Sex trafficking” fetishists claim 100,000 “victims” hiding in nail salons.
  • Debunking the notion that some porn is more “positive” than others.
  • Another good, clean charity refuses money from nasty, dirty whores.
  • “Sex trafficking” hysteria may be starting to backfire on government.
  • Prominent prohibitionist calls it “an extension of the ‘pro-life’ cause”.
  • Dr. Brooke Magnanti on an even stupider adjunct to “sex addiction”.
  • Lawheads believe human nature can be altered by proclamation.
  • Another good anti-Swedish model essay from Dr. Graham Ellison.
  • A new witchcraft hysteria, courtesy of your favorite moral panic.
  • Pharmacy staff called cops because a customer was Romanian.
  • When and how to tell one’s children that one is a sex worker.
  • Australian cops admit client persecution harms streetwalkers.
  • These nuns obviously forgot that lying makes Baby Jesus cry.
  • Sex offenders file suit against another oppressive restriction.
  • CNN announces Obama isn’t alone in pandering to hysteria.
  • Yet another confused “black magic sex trafficking” story.
  • Hey, kids!  Fight “human trafficking” for fun and profit!
  • Cops ask Congress for power to destroy the internet.
  • Swanee Hunt’s grotesque vendetta against whores.
  • Another runaway clown car of unintentional hilarity.
  • A retrospective of my columns for September 2010.
  • Guess why the pigs targeted this massage parlor.
  • When “bring into care” means “abduct and cage”.
  • How can I get an interested man to pay for sex?
  • What if famous authors wrote Cosmo sex tips?
  • The power to see abstractions must be useful.
  • Another TSA molester and another rapist cop.
  • Would-be allies who don’t quite get it right.
  • What real help for streetwalkers looks like.
  • Laura Lee speaks about decriminalization.
  • The urge to censor is a mental illness.
  • Mira Sorvino, mathematical retard.
  • The rise of the therapeutic state.
  • How to make perfect popcorn.
  • Lawheads will be lawheads.
  • Marilyn Bagley needed help.
  • Half the Sky, All the Credit.
  • The Gabriela Leite Law.
  • “Sex trafficking” hentai.
  • Is the Patriarchy dead?
  • The Handmaid’s Tale.
  • King of the hill!

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