I wish someone would pull a Ferguson on them and take them out. I hate looking at those African monkeys at work…I enjoy arresting those thugs with their saggy pants. – Michael Elsbury
I’m home again from my tour, and though Links was probably the easiest feature to keep up while on the road I’ll still be glad to get back to my normal schedule. Though as you can see I had a lot of links this week, the only video was the second one, provided by Grace (who also gave us “innocent”); I therefore decided to balance all the awfulness in the links with a lovely song created by remixing samples from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Everything above that video is from Rick Horowitz, and the links between the videos are from Angela Keaton (“koinkydink”), Mike Siegel (“stones”), Tushy Galore (“another day”), Jason Kuznicki (“money”), Jillian Keenan (“Sanrio”), Lenore Skenazy (“powers”), Jesse Walker (“truant”), Brooke Magnanti (“credible”), Radley Balko (“real cops”), Popehat (“tank”), Luscious Lani (“secret rooms”), and Cop Block (“insults”).
- The crime: talking in school. The punishment: beaten by 3 cops.
- Cop rewarded for beating random woman with baseball bat.
- Need I tell you which state this happened in?
- What a koinkydink!
- Secret of the sliding stones.
- Another day in a police state.
- Actually, money can buy happiness.
- The Japanese say Sanrio is full of it.
- The phrase “enumerated powers” comes to mind.
- Good thing nobody complained about truant children.
- Judging only by her mugshot, it’s a credible accusation.
- Criminals posing as cops act almost exactly like real cops.
- Stop calling them tanks! No police department has a tank!
- Sometimes old houses have secret rooms, and then there’s this.
- Cops can be fired for insulting people, but not for murdering them.
- Cops kill innocent woman, charge their intended target with her murder.
From the Archives
- Buzz Aldrin, police brutality, sexting, Bigfoot, animal sex, face-recognition technology, ludicrous fines, progressivism and prudishness.
- Brawls, fabulous animals, Cello Wars, fried chicken, goats, nutritionism, nannies, Hamlet, censorship, cops, mythology and mystery.
- What sort of warped mind could produce the phrase “vulnerable to economic opportunities”?
- Graham Ellison continues his fight vs imposition of the Swedish disease on Northern Ireland.
- It’s never called “trafficking” when politically-connected companies do it.
- The “most stressful jobs in America” don’t include any form of sex work.
- Looking at “sex trafficking” hysteria as though it were a virulent illness.
- Another lawsuit against a strip club treating contractors as employees.
- As bad as the US is, at least sex workers aren’t usually executed here.
- Another study discovers the truth of what whores have always said.
- Swedes try to reconcile “whore as criminal” with “whore as victim”.
- Even when politicians oppose criminalization, they want brothels.
- A bogus client study from the warped mind behind Project ROSE.
- Transgender woman beaten to death in front of a police station.
- Their next study will attempt to determine if water is really wet.
- How Jane Shore crossed Richard III, and what became of her.
- An acclaimed outreach program is suffocated by red tape.
- A good introduction to the horrors of the Swedish model.
- Yet another film about imaginary “sex trafficking” victims.
- The downward spiral of British feminism into silly trivia.
- “End demand” schemes actually increase prostitution.
- French intellectuals ridicule sex work prohibitionism.
- Inspiration for the movie Taken is exposed as a liar.
- Dave Barry on the awfulness of sex worker stings.
- Politicians give cops another pretext for robbery.
- Hope for Satanic Panic victims Fran & Dan Keller.
- “Morality” is a convenient excuse for land grabs.
- What do you think about “opt-in” porn filtering?
- Not the wisest way to deal with an extortionist.
- The inevitable result of trying to stop sex work.
- Laws are only for the hoi-polloi, not the rulers.
- How “trafficking” raids endanger sex workers.
- A bizarrely backward news report from India.
- OK, now this politician/hooker story is news.
- A bioethicist asks, “Is Prostitution Harmful?”
- Quality is far more important than quantity.
- A place where 14% of women are whores.
- When all else fails, shoot the messenger.
- My very first professional conference.
- An introduction to Laura Agustín.
- A good article about Ruhama.
- Another Asstoon photo op.
- The truth about Femen.
- A Pete & Pete reunion.
- The bottleneck effect.
- Planet of the Apes.
- King of the hill!
- Nevada Rose.