Love & Sex Magazine

Links #201

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

I think I’m in favor of this but I would not want to go to court for a 5- or 10-year-old and say: “You’re charged with a misdemeanor” - Lula Davis-Holmes

A little busier this week, except for videos; still, I thought you’d enjoy this lovely example of why correlation does not equal causation, contributed by Pope Shakey.  Everything above it is from Radley Balko, who also wrote the last one above the video; however, I gave credit to Rick Horowitz for first calling my attention to an earlier (but less powerful) report of the incident.  The video was provided by Zander Falcon, and the links above it by Clarissa (“honest”),  Michael Whiteacre (“important”), Jason Kuznicki (“garbage”), Jesse Walker  (“hypocrites”), Grace (“guns”), and Gideon (“throat”).

  • Cop badly injures woman in crash, attempts to blame her for the wreck.
  • Cop murders 93-year-old woman in “self defense”.
  • Another great moment in universal criminality.
  • Shit on them.

potato chips & wheelchairs

From the Archives

  • Wine, bacon, cops, language, censorship, pomposity, prudishness, drugs, population and a horror short.
  • The newest excuse for police rape of sex workers is that Asian massage parlors are “sophisticated”.
  • Crusade to impose Western norms on Nepal turns low-caste people into persecuted criminals.
  • How infantilization of teenagers and adults has the opposite of its intended effect.
  • Wendy Lyon does her usual thorough job ripping apart a bogus study.
  • Zimbabwean cops claim whores force men to have free sex with them.
  • Busybodies love the police state until their doors are smashed down.
  • Thousands of Indian whores lose their life savings to Ponzi schemes.
  • Tulsa, Oklahoma’s sleazy war on whores reaches a new level of evil.
  • Why extrajudicial punishment of whores is a spectacularly bad idea.
  • An entity so large it harms by its very existence, is much too large.
  • Good-time girls and other non-professionals taking money for sex.
  • Sacrifices to the myth that sex can be purified, sanctified & tamed.
  • The tale of a young woman who wins a chance at her dream job.
  • The FBI wants private companies to enable its spying on people.
  • In which I demolish a load of total nonsense about “sex robots”.
  • Lawheads delight in charging a crime victim with another crime.
  • How can a woman discourage her husband from hiring whores?
  • Amateur convicted of prostitution for answering a personal ad.
  • White House claims 4% of American girls are “child sex slaves”.
  • Fake whore pepper-sprays a teen and steals his piggy bank.
  • A response to Rakhi “pop stars cause sex trafficking” Kumar.
  • The first signs of the massive anti-sex pogrom in Dongguan.
  • Cop claims he was framed for drugs by his girlfriend’s pimp.
  • US prison officials silence prisoners’ protests with torture.
  • Gonorrhea is rapidly becoming immune to all antibiotics.
  • The making of the DSM and the unmaking of psychiatry.
  • How the whorearchy is used as a tool of social control.
  • Spain continues to turn the screws on streetwalkers.
  • Reminiscing about my dear, departed friend Terry.
  • Note that the word “trafficking” is entirely absent.
  • Newspaper mocks and demonizes murder victim.
  • Dania Suarez is interviewed on the Today show.
  • A powerful statement from Filipino sex workers.
  • “Rescue” NGO enslaves 76 children in Uganda.
  • The first of several virginity auctions that year.
  • Why Janet Jackson’s nipple won’t go away.
  • R.I.P. Ray Harryhausen.
  • Porn Studies.

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