To go to this extreme, you know, it was the only alternative or something like that, but you weren’t made aware of that and that was kind of what I was curious about. Because it’s not tolerated, but you need to go through — let the school handle it. - Judge Maureen McGraw-Desmet
These two Asian commercials couldn’t be more different, so I couldn’t resist juxtaposing them. The first is a PSA against outdoor defecation from India, contributed by Jasper Gregory; the second is another of those lovely and moving Thai commercials (as previously seen in Links #168), contributed by Mike Siegel. All the links above the first video are from Radley Balko, and those between the videos from Walter Olson (“tits”), Cthulhuchick (“cadaver”), Clarissa (“DMV” and “how about now”), and Amy Alkon (“advances”).
- Judge convicts teen for refusing to passively submit to bullies.
- Science teacher fired for teaching science.
- More of this, please. And this, too.
- What could possibly go wrong?
- Ars gratia Nick Cage.
- The friendly skies.
- The IRS wants to know how big your tits are.
- The world’s most perfectly embalmed cadaver.
- What happens when hospitals are run like the DMV.
- Still think the US isn’t a police state yet? OK, how about now?
- Cop tackles & chains woman for refusing to reply to his advances.
From the Archives
- The police state, Jim Crow, the Drug War, Elvis, eldritch life, hipster babies, guilt, American English and God’s Gospel Lizards.
- Dr. Laura Agustín vivisects a “trafficking” scare story and explains that all prohibitionism is the same.
- Prohibitionists claim cops can’t find “trafficking victims” because they aren’t looking hard enough.
- My Easter columns for the last two years, and a creepy story I wrote on Easter Sunday, 1997.
- The logical fallacy in which an argument is discounted because it is made by a prostitute.
- Add Latin America to the list of places better at activism than the US.
- New York circumvents law by forcing businesses to do its dirty work.
- Articles with minimal whore-bashing in CNN and the New York Times.
- Sydney madam convicted of keeping students in “sexual servitude”.
- Cyndee Clay, head of Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive (HIPS).
- Politicians broaden crime’s definition, panic when it then increases.
- Police state jails elderly quadriplegic for “crime” of sexual feelings.
- How “social construction of gender” harms male-female relations.
- The warped minds of prohibitionists project evil into everything.
- Gloria Steinem uses “pro-life” rhetoric to attack women’s rights.
- Prohibitionist seeks to “rescue” teen hooker by molesting her.
- The Secret Service hooker scandal, and updates on the same.
- More on End Demand Illinois’ ugly campaign of disinformation.
- The Gambia criminalizes male prostitution and cross-dressing.
- The tale of a series of brothel raids that don’t go as planned.
- A short biography of Skittles, best of the grandes horizontals.
- Strip club owner supposedly plots to assassinate politicians.
- Thaddeus Russell on A Renegade History of the United States.
- The hard facts about decriminalization and “sex trafficking”.
- In which feminists throw sex workers under the bus again.
- What can a woman do if she stays dry during “duty sex”?
- Cops use dysphemisms to destroy legal businesses.
- Another “sex trafficking” NGO exposed as a scam.
- Brazil moves toward decriminalization of brothels.
- San Francisco bans condoms as evidence, sort of.
- Indian prohibitionists seek to censor the internet.
- Never call the cops for any reason whatsoever.
- Texas tries to criminalize escort advertising.
- Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
- Never On Sunday and The Origins of Sex.
- The Anti-Barbie League is at it again.
- Yet another anti-sex education law.
- Escort becomes infidelity counselor.
- Go the Fuck to Sleep: the movie.
- The first appearance of CISPA.
- Polygamy should be legalized.
- A guided tour of this blog.