It’s a little known fact that as Emily Wilding Davison threw herself under the King’s horse during the 1913 Derby her last words were, “I hope that sometime in the next 100 years, someone introduces a product that makes a woman’s labia pinker. That’s really what I’m doing all this for.” - Jake
If you live in the United States and noticed that you got the notification for this post an hour later than usual, it’s because starting today by government decree your clocks will lie to you about the time until early November. Everyone else in the world should continue getting the notice at the same time until your clocks either start or stop lying to you (depending on what hemisphere you’re in) sometime in the next few weeks. If you’re outside the US and the time was wrong anyhow, it undoubtedly has something to do with however WordPress has the change set up. Got it? I honestly wish we’d dispense with the unholy mess, which costs the US roughly $2 billion per year (and even more since Congress extended it in 2007, putting us out of synch with Europe and Asia). Nor does that count the cost in lives and property damage from the increased number of accidents on the Monday following the change, especially in the spring. Anyhow, in keeping with the theme of this rant I present “Destino”, a collaboration between Walt Disney and Salvador Dali which was mostly done in 1946, then shelved and never finished until 2003. It’s very strange and very beautiful, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. The second video is the first American television commercial for cannabis, but almost certainly not the last; it was contributed by Rick Horowitz. The links down to the first video are a mixed bag; Lenore Skenazy gave us “never call”, “rules” and “kangaroo”; Michael Whiteacre gave us ”birthday party”, Radley Balko contributed “mother”, and I found ”kayaking” and “masochism” myself. Those between the videos were provided by Radley, my cat, ManCrack, Clarissa, Kate Zen, Dean Clark, Kevin Wilson, and EconJeff (in that order).
- Never call the cops for any reason whatsoever. Not to a birthday party, or after kayaking, or if you haven’t talked to your mother lately. And dating one is pure masochism.
- Because rules are more important than people.
- World map of deaths by kangaroo.
- But for video.
- Renaissance rocket cats.
- Dying is no excuse for lawbreaking.
- The Sicilian space program’s flying cannolo.
- How much is time wrong around the world?
- Easy job: writing closed captions for televised porn.
- A sense of entitlement of truly pathological proportions.
- Amazon reviews, the most dependable source of laughs on the internet.
From the Archives
- Paint, cities, robots, Ys, cops, bureaucrats, bugs, bunnies, guns, philosophy, kings, myths, clichés, interjections & terrifying pastries.
- Because South African cops are allowed to beat, rape and pepper-spray whores, it’s “official handling” rather than harassment.
- The media suddenly notices “condoms as evidence” policies are asinine.
- Dutch “authorities” narrow bottleneck, wonder why “crime” increases.
- How do verification services like Date Check and P411 screen escorts?
- Is there a penis length or thickness that is too large for most escorts?
- Emi Koyama exposes journalists who knowingly repeated false myth.
- Only whores are “trafficked”; actual slaves are “encouraged aliens”.
- Politicians can’t resist photo-documenting their sexual indiscretions.
- Cops puzzled when “rescued” whores immediately return to work.
- Zimbabwe: “sex trafficking” source, transit and destination in one.
- In which I go far outside my comfort zone to attend a symposium.
- Reverend Lia says churches should actively welcome sex workers.
- Margo St. James on the birth of the sex worker rights movement.
- To Joe Arpaio, consensual sex is a more serious crime than rape.
- More evidence of the evangelical basis for “sex trafficking” myth.
- Two previous columns for International Sex Worker Rights Day.
- The vulnerable party in a sex work transaction isn’t the whore.
- Sex rays can even contaminate the money handled by harlots.
- Western Australian politician seeks to impose Swedish Model.
- The “Facebook pimps” myth just keeps growing and growing.
- What positions are good for a small penis and a large vagina?
- Nobody can challenge secret surveillance because it’s secret.
- Preparing teenagers for adult life by keeping them ignorant.
- Few Irish politicians dare to stand up to Magdalene nuns.
- Nevada is not more whore-friendly than other US states.
- ASPaSIA is working on a code of ethics for sex workers.
- Yet another example of what real sex slavery looks like.
- Sex, food, prohibitionism, crypto-moralism and disease.
- Should I “out” a sex worker friend to my other friends?
- Can mature, chubby women make a living as escorts?
- A thorough refutation of Neumayer, Cho and Dreher.
- The suit against Utah’s criminalization of acting sexy.
- Justine Reilly, Ruhama’s all-purpose anti-whore shill.
- “Following the Money: Spending on Anti-Trafficking”.
- Bitcoin is now the world’s best-performing currency.
- Yet another whore-raping cop gets a paid vacation.
- I just love it when predators feed on one another.
- The appalling ignorance of New York “authorities”.
- The incredible waste of prostitution “stings”.
- Secret Lives and A Natural History of Rape.
- Why footballers prefer pros to amateurs.
- A challenge to prostitution laws in Ohio.
- The sad story of the president’s nanny.
- Because financial survival is shameful.
- Unpacking the sex trafficking panic.
- Who really paid her, and for what?
- Sexual predators with badges.
- An interview with Tracy Quan.
- Who victimizes sex workers?
- The Miramonte debacle.
- Cheese is brain food.
- The Profumo Affair.
- Baby cured of HIV.