Love & Sex Magazine

Links #185

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

You should view each interaction with the cops with an extreme caution bordering on paranoia, as you would handle a dangerous wild animal.
-  Ken White

Lots and lots of links this week, but a very small average per contributor; even the leader, Radley Balko, had only three (counting the first video, which is extremely funny and well worth ten minutes of your time).  The second video was mentioned by Cliterati back before Christmas, but if North America gets another severe cold snap maybe this will help.  The links between the two videos were provided by Jemima (“Beowulf”), Clarkhat (“four”), Cthulhuchick  (“tased”), Jesse Walker (“journalism”), Walter Olson (“chefs”), Aspasia  (“atheists”), Nun Ya (“headline”), Laura Lee (“lede”), Grace (“child support”),  Mike Siegel (“Hell” & “Barbie”), Mistress Matisse (“link”), Popehat (“texting”),  Jason Kuznicki (“prohibitionists”), Lucy Steigerwald (“cage”), Korhomme (“never call cops”), and Jasper Gregory (“Nazi”).

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