Love & Sex Magazine

Links #167

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

I don’t care if they’re in kindergarten or if they’re seniors in high school, they know the rules.  -  Mike Riley

My Friday the Thirteenth event went extremely well this time, as those of you who follow me on Twitter (or pay close attention to the comment threads) already know; there were 19 contributions altogether including the reblogs, and several of those were on very popular websites (including Reason and Popehat).  The next one will be in December, and I’ll list all of the names and links of the posts in my column for that day.  If you wanted to participate but didn’t have the time (or just forgot), you can still get in to that column just by sending me the link, and I’ll update it with those as I can.  Radley Balko was our top link contributor this week, but not by much; he only barely squeaked out three others who tied for second place with two links each.  The first video was provided by my cat, and the second by Aspasia (who also supplied “science”); the links between the videos were contributed by Cliterati (“cats and bacon”),  Carol Fenton (“105″ and “prisons”), Mistress Matisse (“eating”), Jemima (“fast food”), Lenore Skenazy (“climbing” and “bullies”), Jesse Walker (“graphic novel”), Nun Ya (“walking”), Cop Block (“slot machines”), and Grace (“royalty”).

From the Archives

  • Why can’t women understand that most “creeps” are just frustrated, not dangerous?
  • Rapists & pedophiles find job where they can grope women & children.
  • Condoms, karaoke, knives, conscious vaginas, rapist cops & parasites.
  • A few journalists are beginning to question the “sex trafficking” hype.
  • Cause: brothels cannot operate legally. Effect: many illegal brothels.
  • If abortions are criminalized, should women who get be imprisoned?
  • Ethically-retarded academics get in bed with morally-bankrupt cops.
  • Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
  • Police launch “crackdowns” in anticipation of brothel legalization.
  • An Algerian tribe in which prostitution was normal and accepted.
  • Coming out to parents who are in denial about one’s sex work.
  • An anti-sex fanatic’s crusade to criminalize a lump of bronze.
  • Indian actress recognizes that sex work reduces rape.
  • How “feminist” laws infantilize or pathologize women.
  • The collapse of UK Olympic “sex trafficking” hysteria.
  • Why only some religions have freedom in the US.
  • Another win-win situation ruined by busybodies.
  • Politicians judge others, but never themselves.
  • Whores in the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs.
  • Arianna Huffington panders to hysteria.
  • Another transgender person murdered.
  • Every whore is somebody’s daughter.
  • An interview with Melissa Gira Grant.
  • Thoughts on my first conference.
  • Filmmaker persecuted for profit.
  • R.I.P. Robyn Few.
  • E pur si muove.

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