What a little stunner this dress is, the peephole necklace, little cap sleeves and full circle skirt make it so pretty. i'm wearing 22, and it is a little tight in the boob area (the underbust seam doesn't always sit under my bust, it can ride up a little)
The weather has been warm in the UK, i could even border on saying hot, it reached 36 last week and us Brits start to melt at 30. There was puddles of people everywhere. I am lucky to work in an air conned office, which i happily stayed and did overtime in. However my car does not have air con, and getting into a metal container after it's been in the heat all day, gives me an insight into what hell might be like and isn't overly pleasant. The back of my knees were sweating!
So keeping cool has been the aim of the game recently, and that means legs and arms out, the legs bit i'm pretty good with me, give me some comfort shorts so i avoid the dreaded chub rub and i' ready to go, but my arms i'm a bit more self conscious about, no matter how nicely i dress, or how 'flattering' an outfit, my arms will always give me away as a fat girl, if a strong enough wind came along, i might be able to harness the power of flight with my bingo wings. They are the one thing i can't really control and so i usual always wear cardigans to cover and hide them (which i know is silly, you can still i'm fat) but this past week, i have put on my big girl pants and braved the world, sans cardigan and let my baggy arms be free, did anyone point or stare? no, did anyone comment? no. Sometimes these things really are in our heads.
Becky x
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