Diaries Magazine


By Chardonaldson
Thirteen days to go.
That means it's time to take things a little bit easier. No more 4:00am starts. No more really long runs. Time to get serious about resting. Time to start feeling fresh. There's really not much more I can do running-wise at this stage to make the marathon any easier. It's not like when I used to cram for exams at uni. I've had to be disciplined and consistent - and there's still no guarantee that it'll be any easier on the day. At least I know I've done everything in my power to be prepared.
Over the past few months I've completed 3 x 28k (17 mile), 2 x 32k (20 mile) and 3 x 37k (23 mile) runs. I've run my fastest half marathon in quite a few years and I've only missed three of my scheduled runs - two in the week straight after the half marathon and one when I was just too tired. All in all I feel like it's gone incredibly well and even if the run isn't the greatest I can be proud that I made it this far. Sometimes just getting to the starting line is a big deal.
I've had to face some pretty big fears on this journey. My fear of getting sick again and my fear of failure. But in facing them I feel like I've become a stronger person. One who knows the power of persistence and self-belief. And that was the whole point of signing up for this adventure in the first place - to stretch myself, to put my bad years behind me and to remind myself that my spirit can be limitless.
And it won't stop once the marathon is over. I've already been ticking off events in my head that I wouldn't mind working towards next year. My eldest has said he'll do Great Ocean Road with me (the half, not the full). I've always wanted to do Canberra. And I wouldn't mind doing Kurrawa to Duranbah in December if my recovery from the marathon goes well. So many options!
I'm pretty sure my next adventure will be less fraught with fear. It will be built on strong memories of what I've overcome and what can be achieved with effort and confidence.

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