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Start the weekend on a stunning note and click play. I’ve already watched this video several times this morning. It’s beautiful in both the musical and visual sense. And see who’s who in the impossible orchestra here.
And then go Motown with a Shake it Off cover
Love Joanne’s Articles Club. Good list to start with, too.
I’m an office worker so I love these round-ups ~ Pilates exercises you can do at your desk
It’s the ringtone that sends shivers up my spine when I hear it [it's my alarm] but this is a little catchy
It’s true ~ Spring in Australia is both terrific and torturous
Chasing and capturing 24 sunsets around the world
And lighting up the Matterhorn ~ gorgeous
I have this exact broken lens ~ would love to try this to get those results!
Need a book recommendation? Read the PEN Literary award winners
This is cool. Make smart playlists in iTunes