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It’s the weekend and so there’s nothing for it but a little lime link love. Have a great one!
- I certainly get tartle, have culaccino issues and think mamihlapinatapei is romantic! Words that should be in the English language
- Bill Cosby never stops being cool. He’s now on Instagram.
- A biscuit font ~ why not!
- I missed Pi Day and Popcorn day this week! [Although I did go to the movies on Thursday and insisted on popcorn in Gold Class, much to the Mr's bemusement!]
- Pick a new word for Scrabble ~ just not one of these
- Amazing kids’ beds
- Who wants to join me on a holiday at this incredible Swiss Alps hotel?
- Seinfeld ~ the show about nothing ~ has lots of scenes of … nothing
- Knew it was true! Scientific evidence for the five-second rule
And just for fun ~ puppies in the snow!
Have a great weekend!