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Hello weekend! It’s been too long. What do you have planned for these lovely days? It’s a three dayer for me thanks to the benefit of and RDO. Although Monday is already looking quite busy!
And the rains have arrived with a lovely cool change, making for a cosy break. Perfect for another round-up of weekend reading in lime link love.
- Apple flip phone anyone?
- Someone is tweeting Top Gun screen by screen. [One of my top 5 favourite '80s movies!]
- This is the scene of several movies, and was seriously damaged in an earthquake last month. Recognise it?
- How lovely is this cosmos bed. Sleep under the stars.
- A look at how they made the Lego movie ~ and the adorable bloopers. Can’t wait to see this movie!
- Walk on air in this playground four levels above ground
- Love October Jones and these doodles are fantastic
- Step inside this upside down Russian home
- And why do we get nervous? And what causes those butterflies. Asap Science has the answer.
Have a great weekend!