Social Media Magazine

Like My Articles? Join My Atomic Tribe!

Posted on the 25 January 2013 by Cendrinemedia @cendrinemedia
Cendrine Marrouat Atomic Tribe

Help spread the word. Join my Tribe!

If you have followed my career for a while, you probably know that I write for two online publications besides Creative Ramblings. I report on social media news and publish interviews on and Digital Journal.

I already have a newsletter that sends subscribers an email once a day with a summary of my latest articles.

However, some people have emailed me to ask if there was an option for them to share the content I publish on the three sites automatically with their networks. My answer is: Yes, there is!

I invite you to join my Atomic Tribe. Here is how it works:

1) Click here.

2) Enter your email or sign in with your Twitter / Facebook credentials. Do not forget to check “Keep me in the loop” if you use your email address.

3) If you are opening a new Triberr account, click the link in the confirmation email to activate it

4) Sign in with your Twitter or Facebook account.

5) Click “Tribe settings” in the left column and follow instructions.

6) You are good to go!

So, the next time I post something new, you will first be notified. Then, the article will appear on your Twitter, Facebook, and/or LinkedIn wall automagically!

Of course, you can stop anytime.

The Atomic Tribe also features an area where you can interact with other followers and myself. So, do not hesitate to say hi or ask questions!

Thank you for your awesome support!

Update: Thank you all for letting me know about the “over capacity” issue. I have contacted support to see what is going on. I’ll keep you updated.

Cendrine Marrouat Atomic Tribe

Help spread the word. Join my Tribe!

Creative Commons License

This article by Cendrine Marrouat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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