Food & Drink Magazine

Light Sesame Noodles

By Monetm1218 @monetmoutrie


Happy Memorial Day! Ryan and I are looking forward to spending time with friends and family today, and I hope you are too! I woke up early this morning to make a dozen tiny pies for a mid-day cookout. And even thought I still feel great at 37 weeks pregnant, I’m realizing that baking will likely take a back seat over the next few months. Not only will I have a little baby to take care of, but we also live in a house without air-conditioning. I can bake if I wake up early, but it’s just not good if I turn on my oven after 10am.

And so, this will be the first of hopefully many posts that feature light and healthy dinner and lunch recipes.


These sesame noodles are flavorful and easy to prepare. Instead of bringing the traditional potato salad to a cookout, we’ve been bringing these cold Asian noodles. Crisp and bright vegetables are lightly coated in a peanut-sesame sauce. Whole grain pasta adds filling fiber. We added edamame beans for protein, but a roasted and shredded chicken would be equally as delicious.

And did I mention that this is best served cold? Perfect for the sweltering summer days ahead (especially if you don’t have air conditioning). This recipe makes a good deal of noodles, so if you aren’t bringing the bowl to a party, you’ll have a light summer lunch for at least a few days.


Before I go, I thought I’d share how Ryan and I are doing on tackling THE LIST. We’ve dined out with friends twice. We’ve hosted a lovely party at our house. We’ve spent time with our siblings and our parents. I finished Lucy’s baby book on Thursday, and I’m almost finished with the Marriage Plot. And writing? Yes, it’s been happening everyday. So although we still have a ways to go before our list is complete, we’re making good progress!

Light Sesame Noodles

1 14 oz package whole grain spaghetti noodles

1 large head of brocolli, chopped into bite sized pieces

1-2 red bell peppers, chopped into bite sized pieces

1 cup edamame beans, thawed

1/3 cup creamy peanut butter

2 tablespoons soy sauce

2 tablespoons honey

2 tablespoons rice vinegar

1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil

2-4 tablespoons sesame seeds

5-6 chives, diced

Make Sauce: In a small bowl, whisk together peanut butter, soy sauce, rice vinegar, honey, and toasted sesame oil. Set aside.

Boil noodles until al dente, about 8 minutes. Meanwhile, steam broccoli and red bell pepper. The vegetables should remain bright and crisp. Drain noodles. Place noodles, steamed vegetables and edamame beans in a large bowl. Pour sauce over and mix thoroughly. Top with sesame seeds and diced chives. Allow to chill in refrigerator for at least one hour before serving.


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