As I grow older and practice living with intention it becomes imperative that I questions all my actions, beliefs and habits. I am someone who functions with logic. I need to know the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ about everything. Last October, I read this book “The Case Against Sugar” which changed my mind set. The book touches upon the use of sugar in our culture and how it has quadrupled over the last five decades. Especially in western lifestyles. The book was filled with stats, and history and facts which I couldn’t get past. And once I learn something I can’t unlearn. I can’t ignore the knowledge and information. And as it works out refined sugar and refined flour has zero nutritional value. Nada. Zilch. They are also related to the rise in most of the diseases which were practically non-existent in earlier this century.
So powered with this knowledge I decided to change my habits. I love chocolate. I love sweets. I love desserts. As most people I too used to advocate moderation. I tried that and it didn’t work for me. Also, would you have cocaine in moderation? (I am hoping the answer is No!) That’s the same logic I use for sugar. Some of you might know, that this is not my first rodeo. I had left refined sugar for six months back in 2011 and it was hard as hell to do so. Once I hit my six month mark in Dec. 2011, I thought I had the sugar intake under control. Surely but slowly sugar started creeping back into my diet and I kept thinking, "I can have it in moderation". But guess what? I couldn't. Especially because it is in everything : sauces, bread, chips, even the salty things have sugar so the real “sugary” treats ended up being an excess. And before I knew it, I was back to being a sugar addict.In November 2017, I decided to start reducing my sugar intake in all forms. I reduced the frequency at which I would have desserts. I stopped having chocolates. While traveling I decided to have fruits and toasts instead of pancakes and muffins. I did have a dessert once or twice between Nov. 2017 - Jan. 2018 but the total amount of sugar had reduced significantly from my diet. This helped me take the next step. Come Februray 2018, I decided to stop having any and all forms of refined sugar - white and brown both. I don’t eat desserts, I don’t drink any beverages which have added sugar. I read the labels meticulously and if it states any of the below mentioned names I don’t buy it:
brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, rice syrup, dextrose, maltose, barley malt, fructose sweetener, fruit juice concentrates, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup, invert sugar, lactose, maltose, malt syrup, molasses, pancake syrup, raw sugar, sucrose, trehalose, and turbinado sugar. To identify an added sugar, be suspect of words that end with an “-ose,” as well as phrases that contain “syrup” or “malt.”
Ingredients on a packaged food are listed in descending order in terms of weight, so when you see these names at the top of the ingredients list, the product contains a lot of sugar. Some of the other changes I have made in my lifestyle are:
- I have started cooking all my meals at home.
- I always pre-check the menu before going to a restaurant.
- I rely on sugar-free gum to curb sugar cravings.
- Drinking water whenever I get cravings helps.
- I have found a few snacks which have no sugar and are not high in calorie either. [ 30 Snack Ideas with Calorie Count ]
- I try and eat 3 different fruits each day but in moderation (no more than 1/2 cup each).
[ Related : How To Control Sugar Cravings ] Below are the most commonly asked questions:
1. How do I get started about going sugar free?
You would have to find your own motivation. For me it is my health (as I mentioned above). You have to find something that will make you commit to it. Then prepare in advance. You cannot quit sugar cold turkey. Try and reduce the amount over a period of few months else you will relapse and binge eat everything in plain sight.
2. What should I start removing from my diet?
I can only share what I removed from my diet. I am a vegetarian so meat was not an issue for me. I stopped buying processed food which includes flavored yogurt, potato chips, salad dressings, cookies, and granola. I still eat everything from pasta, pizza, daal chawal, parantha, and I realize that when I eat out in spite of doing my due research everything is not in my control (aka some sauce or spice might include added sugar which is not mentioned or listed) but since 6 days of the week I am eating at home and pick all ingredients myself I do not worry about that one meal as much.
3. How do you cope during menstruation / periods? I will not lie, it is really hard. For some reason February and March were not as difficult and I was able to manage with having fruits, and dates. But April was brutal. I had intense craving to have something sweet and I went rummaging through the cabinets to find something sweet, anything to satisfy my uncontrollable cravings. Luckily I don't have anything left at home which has an ounce of above mentioned "sugars". I only have fruits, vegetables and the healthy snack options. I fought it through ... but this got me interested in baking my own desserts with alternatives that have natural sugars like ripe banana, and dates, etc. So stay tuned, I might be turning into a 'sugar less' baker.
4. Can I still substitute sugar by using Jaggery/maple syrup/coconut sugar etc?
I don't see why not ... This is probably where I will apply the 'moderation' argument. Natural sugars aka foods that are found naturally sweet in nature are fine. It’s just about managing the quantity you have in one day. While I am trying to get rid of my sugar addiction, I am also trying to get as fit as possible for my 40th Birthday. So this is my motivation to keep the 'natural sugars' in check. [ 3 Ways To Reduce Calories ] 5. Are there any side effects to quit sugar?
It has been little over three months, and personally I have not had any negative side effects. The positive effects include - healthy looking skin, minimal-to-no mood swings, better mental health, steady energy through out the day and a sense of accomplishment.
Other Resources
You can find what protein supplement and bars I eat at my Amazon store (here).If you are on Instagram I share 'what I eat' frequently with portion size and calorie count. You can catch the previous meals in the "Food Choices: Highlights" on the profile page. You might have to view it on the mobile app as the Highlights are not available on the desktop version of Instagram.
I also have a Pinterest board where I share all things 'Healthy Living' and plan to add more to the board over the next weeks.
You can also check out my previous posts on snacks (here) and health (here).