This isn't a usual post for me but to be honest I'm not sure what my normal is! I post about anything. Especially Life. And this is a life post so I guess it is a normal post!Anyway.Life takes you in directions you might never have ever expected it to go. Mine went in a direction I had never thought about. It went in the direction of God, of Jesus. I found the love of Jesus through a group I am part of that has so many people I love a lot. This group showed me how much I was loved for being me. That Jesus would love me as me because I loved other like he did. I have never been able to feel more "me" then when I'm surrounded by that group of amazing and inspiring people.I have learnt so much over the last year. My eyes have been opened. I have found an everlasting love, a love that will never leave no matter what is happening in my life.

So at the end of February I am getting Baptised and I am very excited. One of my absolute best friends is baptising me at our weekend retreat. When being baptised we don't believe that the water is holy or that some miracle happens when you emerge from the water. Getting baptised for me is symbolising my love for Jesus, to share this with those I love and to symbolise the start of this new chapter in my life.
Thanks for reading.Laura x
Unrelated note. New Instagram.