Hey y'all! I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far (: Mine has looked a lot like this:
I've spent every free moment the last few days hunkered down in Starbucks (I usually go to different locations every day because I'm weird, lol) chugging caffeine and filling my brain with all things communication sciences & disorders. Between this week and next, I have exams in all of my classes, and I am desperately trying to maintain all of my As for this home stretch.
Then FINALS are the first week of May...I can't believe it! From there, we go (basically) right into summer classes and y'all, this ball is just rolling! I have 2 classes over the summer, plus I'm doing Directed Research (gotta build up that resume, you know what I'm sayin?) with one of my professors. Then I have 4 classes in the fall and 4 in the spring and I will be D-O-N-E with my second bachelor's degree. If all things go according to plan (and let's pray to the good Lord that they do), I'll be starting grad school in August 2017...eeeek!
That being said, I don't have a ton of free time. And that got me thinking. I want to be spending the free time that I DO have doing things that I love while surrounded by people who lift me up and make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
The older I get, the more it becomes apparent to me that 1. You really do attract your tribe (aka if you're positive then positive people will come into your life and vice versa) and 2. It's okay to say no and walk away from negativity.
There is so much negativity around us anyway, so why would we voluntarily choose to spend time with negative people? Easy answer: you don't have to! I know it can be tough to purge your life of negative relationships, but if you don't want people (well mostly their attitudes) bringing you down with them then sometimes that's just the best thing that you can do for the both of you.
I challenge you to take a few minutes and reflect on who you spend your free time with. What kind of things do you do? Are those people and things bringing you closer to your goals? Are they bringing out the best in you?
Be your best you!
xo, Jesslovelylittlethingsblog.com