Growing up in the 80s, a telephone was a large, very much NOT portable, cream thing which sat in the hall attached to a long wire. It could help you speak to someone without seeing them, but it couldn’t remember your best friend’s number, nor could it take photos.
Can you imagine suggesting back then that THAT phone would one day be wireless, fit in your pocket and enable you to conduct your life ‘on the fly’?
Today I celebrate the awesomeness of our modern telephony with a flurry of those ‘snaps’ that were taken instinctively to capture a moment in time when the light was just right, or the face was tilted at the perfect angle, or the dogs were both looking the same way at the same time.
These are the shots that simply wouldn’t exist without my phone.

my Legolas

a lovely day out

new wheels

anyone got a brolley?

beautiful Lake District

cotton beards

Christmas doggies

our winter dog walk


nature’s amazing variety

special mention pride

made by her, for him

the things we do for those kids’ parties

monkeying around