Fashion Magazine

Life Is Random

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
This past week I have been thinking about life ... a lot. 

I think about life, in moderate amount at all times, but I am mentioning this past week because it has been more than usual amounts. I recently finished reading the book, "Originals" which is about the challenge of coming up with new ideas and then implementing them. Reading about various stories in that book my thoughts started to wander around how random sometimes life can be. 

There are so many people in this world who are supremely talented and hardworking but never really see the fruits of their efforts. And on the other hand there are people who might not be all that gifted but are successful and rich and are celebrated by everyone. We often look for logic or use the concept of karma to explain life. But it is seldom true. Life seems to be not only unfair, but also quite random. There is often no logical explanation for how things turn out.

[ Related - Completed Eight Years of Blogging ] My own life seems to be an epitome to randomness. Last twenty years have been a joy ride. This weekend my husband reminded me that I completed nine years of blogging on Jan. 6th. From a sporadic blogger to a professional one ... there is no logical explanation for how my life has turned out. It has been a blessed and a privileged one but definitely nothing that necessarily reflects on my talent or skill. 

[ Related - First Post Ever ] On most days I try and not think about what is fair in life and what I deserve, but instead about what I have and how content I can be with it without being complacent. As I grow up I realize living life day-to-day makes much more sense than measuring it up to expectations. 
Embroidered Sweater, Joe's Jeans, Floral Boots, Uniqlo Gray Coat
Embroidered Sweater, Joe's Jeans, Floral Boots, Uniqlo Gray Coat
Embroidered Sweater, Joe's Jeans, Floral Boots, Uniqlo Gray Coat
Embroidered Sweater, Joe's Jeans, Floral Boots, Uniqlo Gray Coat
Embroidered Sweater, Joe's Jeans, Floral Boots, Uniqlo Gray Coat
Embroidered Sweater, Joe's Jeans, Floral Boots, Uniqlo Gray Coat
Location - Istanbul, Turkey  Sweater - Michelle Nicole // Same Jeans - Joe's // Same Boots - Dirty Laundry // Similar Coat - Uniqlo // Similar

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