Books Magazine

Life IS Awesome

By Levyingkishan
Life IS awesomeLife as we know it, is a filled with magical moments and comes with a usher of hope everyday and each new second gives us the power to plunge into the unknown with the anticipation of what is going to happen next.

It can be at times intimidating and it should be also, for some life lessons have to be learnt the hard way and you can do it the easy way if you learn to embrace change and let it change you in the way it wants, definitely in a better way.The story starts in my college room where the universe had conspired to make me a Network Marketer and life will forever change after that day. And it has taught me a lot of things since then.It has taught meØThe art of listening, ØPerseverance,ØTo keep everything simple, how complex it may seem, there is always a simple way out,ØLife is magical and to feel the magical moments you have to plunge into the unknown and move out of your comfort zone.ØThere will be always two paths, a path that is less taken and another which is an old trodden path. Have the courage to take the less taken path and be up for the challenge that it will put forward to you, for it will test your mettle and show you your true self.ØGo chase your fears and your limitations, and it will expand your boundaries.

These are some of the life changing ideas and experiences I have gone through being a part of the wonderful company known as Pvt. Ltd. And it has literally changed the way I thought and gave me the courage to see things from a different angle, to believe in the unknown. Being a network marketer has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. With all the knowledge, I knew I have to pass it so that people can believe in their dreams so is an endeavor in the cause.
Learning all the life changing ideas hasn't been an easy job. We walked and worked in the scorching sun, sweated, moved out of our comfort zones, lied to everyone possible, bunked classes, spent many sleepless nights, learned from seniors, implemented it, the rain and cold winters had been our hurdle, and we went past them all. Anger and frustrations had been a part and parcel of the game.
Along with that we had fun; danced and enjoyed every Sunday like there is no tomorrow. And every hardship we had encountered faded away when I got my very 1st cheque, in my 1styear of my engineering.
In life you have to work hard and you need to fight hard to make your space but always leave space for improvement, for the future to nourish and to develop. Don’t consume everything.
Never have a monotonous life. Its life and the greatest gift you can ever have. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO!!Be a leader, who creates more leaders and leave a mark behind, for others to follow, so that they can be a leader better than you. That is the sole purpose of life. Worries and anxiety are nothing when you are at your absolute best. Becoming a legend or building a wonder takes time and it is worth it. Remember you are the most wonderful person ever born on earth and you are unique.Life IS awesome
And build your own fortune. ;-)
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